Showing posts with label Deputy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deputy. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Ex Gloucester, Animal Control Deputy, Kristine James, Sounds Off On Facebook

Ex Gloucester Animal Control Officer sounds off on Facebook.  She deleted the post soon after making it, but not before it was copied.

  The following is what was stated.

"Kristine James
4 hrs
I am going to post this now, as I am no longer with an Animal Control dept. ...
You people are freaking nuts!!! Animal raids. Do you know what they are? Really? They are searches conducted by warrants, ONLY after suspected animal abuse, cruelty, etc. If you are mistreating your animal and you think you are above the law by doing so, you are wrong. YOU are doing wrong by treating your animal as you see fit. Filthy conditions, at home medical treatment, insufficient water/food/shelter. You are the problem, not the law. If you could have only seen what I have...The animals suffer, not you..their caretaker...oh boo hoo if you get a door notice, you automatically think, oh no! They are going to raid my home. Bull crap! I have seen and heard so many times from people that "they raided my home and threatened to kill me and my family". First off, get over yourself. I have never said anything of the sort, nor have anyone I have worked with. If you LOVED animals so much, they would be your first concern. You would care for them properly, and would do everything in compliance with the law. Obviously you're not, that's why you have this site. Put the blame where it belongs...on you! (so called animal lovers) I expect to be banned after worries."

What Kristine James is not aware of is that local raids where people had their legal rights grossly violated happened before she was hired as an Animal Control deputy.  She is also clearly unaware of the fact that we have evidence on this site in great detail about such and are continuing to investigate these issues.  We are also sitting on a bunch of evidence that we have not released and have had for several years.  We have audio recordings of live interviews with victims, we have court documents, legal papers and more all showing a very clear pattern.  We invite her to look at what we have online and show how the information is wrong.

  She makes the above disgusting comments based on a very limited time in one county working mostly part time in her duties with very little experience.  She was stating this to people all around the nation.  It is very clear she is not a Christian.  If she were, she would know and understand that God gave man dominion over all animals.  Today's man made laws give animals dominion over man.  An inversion of God's laws.  We are not stating that it is right to abuse animals, however, no animal has rights over any person.

  She also fails to understand that those who are no longer able to care for animals as they once were able to, have been forced into their present conditions through the economy.  Her socialist tyranny came through loud and clear however.  Glad she is gone from Animal Control and maybe her replacement will prove to be more understanding.  Her comments were posted in a group of animal owners who have had their own rights violated share their stories and try to help out others as well as spread the word on what is really going on out there.

Kristine James is one of the owners at Buying It Used here in Gloucester.  The store that when they first opened their doors, looked like a Gloucester County government warehouse sale center, which by local ordinance is illegal.  We can't say that this was the case, but we did find evidence to highly suggest such and posted here on this site.  So the comments do not really surprise us.  Now she can legally turn Buying It Used into a Gloucester County government warehouse sales center.  But can you trust her?  We will shop somewhere else thanks.

The above picture is of a projector marked as property of Gloucester County, Petsworth District school and on the shelf of Buying It Used.
Gloucester County Ordinance strictly forbids county employees from even purchasing used equipment from the county.  So how did it get there?

Gloucester, Virginia Links and News, GVLN
Gloucester, Virginia's Best News Source

Friday, August 29, 2014

Gloucester, VA Sheriff's Office, Protect and Serve

Friday, November 8, 2013

Gloucester, VA Sheriff's Deputy Shot In The Line of Duty

Reading through this weeks tabloid paper, the Gloucester Mathews Gazette Journal proved to be hilarious.  In the back part of the community section, "Gloucester County Department Reports"  was a section titled "Three New Employees Join County In September".  Well the third paragraph down is where the best part of the news was located for anyone who missed it.

  "There were two workplace accidents/injuries reported during the month of September,  Muricha said an employee of the sheriff's office suffered a bullet wound to the foot due to accidental discharge of a firearm during a training exercise".

  This is what happens when you give Barney Fife a bullet.  We had a local deputy shoot themselves in the foot.  Was he trying to protect the floor and put his foot in the way to make sure that no harm would come to the floor?  Will Darrel Warren be giving this deputy the purple heart?  Maybe a lead foot award?  Bravery in the line of duty?   Will this deputy be getting a new bullet to replace the one discharged into the foot?  Maybe the deputy should keep that bullet in the top pocket like Barney did?  What should be considered is putting this deputy, when they come back to work from this injury, the job of holding the hands of the local judges while they get out of their personal vehicles and then when they go back and get into their vehicles from the courthouse.

  But then again, maybe the judges would not be to comfortable with a deputy capable of shooting themselves in the foot?  Welcome to Mayberry everyone.  How do you live this down?
Publicity photo from the television program Th...
Publicity photo from the television program The Andy Griffith Show. Pictured are Don Knotts (Barney Fife) and Jim Nabors (Gomer Pyle). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Monday Gloucester, Government Employee Reports

About 8:05 AM.  Looks like we have a winner.  Government employee seen going into McDonald's for another happy meal.

Government employee is inside McDonald's while car sits outside running.  You can see the exhaust coming out of the tailpipe in the above picture.

Good news for Gloucester officials.  It's a Middlesex county government employee we caught.

Anyone recognize this employee from Middlesex County Virginia?

Our next catch was watching one of the Sheriff's deputies drive in.  Though he was coming in like last week to make sure that no government employees were trying to go through the drive through windows or stopping in where they didn't belong into the local restaurants.  Turned out he just wanted breakfast himself and Hardee's drive through at about 8:15 AM.

  Last Monday a deputy came in and sat in the parking lot for about one hour to watch the parking lot making sure no Gloucester, government employees were trying to hit the local restaurants while on the clock.  Problem was, he was facing the wrong way to catch anyone.  Unless of course he was just napping.  Don't think he was napping, but there was no one to catch last week.  We tried to wave to the deputy last week from 7-Eleven but he ignored us.

Next up?

Public Utilities coming out of WaWa.  Truck number 23.  Time is about 9:05 AM.

Widescreen shot.  He came out of the parking lot in the above picture at the far right hand side.  You can see the flowering bushes do match.

Our next one is a video of  another Public Utilities employee driving truck number 24 down the highway at a speed we estimated at about 70 mph in a 55 mph zone.  We were doing about 60 to keep up with the flow of traffic.  The video is just below.

Boy, it looks like a really bad day to be a Gloucester County, Virginia official having to answer for all of these issues.  But then again, we know they really just do not care.  It's your money they are wasting so big deal right?  Never mind that if a Gloucester, government employee may get into an accident while doing something they are not supposed to do will cause an insurance claim not to be paid.  So who would end up paying for these employees mistakes if an accident should happen while they are somewhere they are not supposed to be?  The county would pay up.  That means your tax dollars.  But again, what do they care, it's your money and we keep showing how it sure looks like they are wasting millions of dollars of it.

  Now everyone needs to be as silent as possible for a few minutes.  We might just be able to hear s few more retirements coming down the road along with a few jobs opening up in a few months in some key positions.  SSHHHH!  Can you hear it?
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Monday, September 9, 2013

Animal Control Criminals of Gloucester, VA Should Be Fired?

Recently we showed how the deputies of  Animal Control in Gloucester, Virginia were in violation of a number of their own ordinances, making them criminals without any regard for the law, what we are now going to show is the state law that shows that these criminals need to be fired for their actions in our view.  Below in the slideshare container is the story in PDF format that shows what ordinances these deputies have violated in our view as well as picture evidence of those violations.  We are linking the original story at the bottom of this post as well.

Gloucester Animal Control In Violation of Ordinances? from Chuck Thompson

Here is the state code of Virginia that shows that these criminals need to go in our view.

§ 3.2-6557. Animal control officers and humane investigators; limitations; records; penalties.

A. No animal control officer, humane investigator, humane society or custodian of any pound or animal shelter shall: (i) obtain the release or transfer of an animal by the animal's owner to such animal control officer, humane investigator, humane society or custodian for personal gain; or (ii) give or sell or negotiate for the gift or sale to any individual, pet shop, dealer, or research facility of any animal that may come into his custody in the course of carrying out his official assignments. No animal control officer, humane investigator or custodian of any pound or animal shelter shall be granted a dealer's license. Violation of this subsection is a Class 1 misdemeanor. Nothing in this section shall preclude any animal control officer or humane investigator from lawfully impounding any animal pursuant to § 3.2-6569.

B. An animal control officer, law-enforcement officer, humane investigator or custodian of any pound or animal shelter, upon taking custody of any animal in the course of his official duties, or any representative of a humane society, upon obtaining custody of any animal on behalf of the society, shall immediately make a record of the matter. Such record shall include:

1. The date on which the animal was taken into custody;

2. The date of the making of the record;

3. A description of the animal including the animal's species, color, breed, sex, 
approximate age and approximate weight;

4. The reason for taking custody of the animal and the location where custody was taken;

5. The name and address of the animal's owner, if known;

6. Any license or rabies tag, tattoo, collar or other identification number carried by or appearing on the animal; and

7. The disposition of the animal.

Records required by this subsection shall be maintained for at least five years, and shall be available for public inspection upon request. A summary of such records shall be submitted annually to the State Veterinarian in a format prescribed by him.

C. Any animal control officer or custodian of any pound who violates any provision of this chapter that relates to the seizure, impoundment and custody of animals by an animal control officer may be subject to suspension or dismissal from his position.

D. Custodians and animal control officers engaged in the operation of a pound shall be required to have knowledge of the laws of the Commonwealth governing animals, including this chapter, as well as basic animal care.

We can not argue for suspension as it would imply that these criminals, in our view, would have only transported one animal, one time in a hazardous and inhumane way.  It is clear that this would not be the case.  Each and every Animal Control Officer is required to know state codes as well as local ordinances.  for them to even considering claiming they had no idea is not justified.

§ 15.2-612. Manager responsible for administration of affairs of county; appointment of officers and employees.

The county manager shall be responsible to the board for the proper administration of all the affairs of the county which the board has authority to control. To that end he shall appoint all officers and employees in the county's administrative service, except as otherwise provided in this form of county organization and government, and except as he authorizes the head of a department or office responsible to him to appoint subordinates in such department or office. All appointments shall be based on the ability, training and experience of the appointees which are relevant to the work which they are to perform.

County Administrator, Brenda Garton would be the one now who is responsible for firing them or comes under full responsibility for the criminal behavior of these criminals without any regard for the laws based on the above from what we are reading.   Someone has to speak for all the animals who are not able to speak for themselves that have been hamed, treated with cruelty and in inhumane ways by Animal Control Officers.  

Now of course, we are not attorneys and none of this should be considered legal advice in any way, only a competent attorney can legally advise you.  We are only asking questions based on our research and showing our opinions based on that research.  Should the research prove correct, we would expect appropriate actions to go fourth.
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Monday, January 14, 2013

Gloucester, VA - Readers Respond, Ben Coffey Missing

A reader has asked the following question;

Killing Killers has left a new comment on your post "Gloucester, VA - Ben Coffey Missing Something Not ...": 

Following this case too over at on Killing Killers--where did you find the info about Coffey checking to see if his boats were still there? I followed your link, but either the reference was removed from that news article or it was never there.

Let me know if you have this source handy someplace so I can read it and then post a case update for my own weblog visitors.


The answer, requires a correction.  We did not catch what we first read properly.   

reprinted from the site, On Friday, Terry and his son-in-law went down to where Ben docks his boat to check if they were still docked there.  They found both boats.

It was the father and son-in-law that went searching for Ben's boats.  Our own opinion, Ben saw something he should not have seen or was watching something that someone else wanted and did anything to get it.  That something was most likely in Gloucester County.  This is an internal link to one of our other stories.  We caution that the first part of the story is fictional.  Rumors have abounded Gloucester County for decades over local police and official corruption.  Part of those rumors center around the Colonial Parkway murders and how they were done by a local Gloucester County Sheriff's deputy.  Other rumors include how local sheriff's deputies break into peoples houses and that whenever any murder suicide or even a suicide occurs, it should be considered a highly suspicious event in Gloucester County.

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  There are even rumors about how a past Sheriff who commited suicide was actually bumped off for what he knew.  No investigation was ever done other than to call it a suicide.   Further rumors abound about the folks at the historical society and how they go about getting what they want.  How do you prove rumors?  We have been working on a particular case that has corruption writen all over it and fighting it for some time now.  This is a link to that story.  Striclty a personal opinion, and no disrespect to the family meant here, Ben is at the bottom of a river and is crab bait.  I hope to God I am wrong.  

  This site started over 4 years ago and was meant to be a positive impact and promotion of the county.  It has since become a battleground with the county.  When the site was more a positive aspect for the county, no one cared.  When it became a battleground, readership went through the roof.  We are read all over the world and have between 1,200 to over 2,000 viewers per day now.  In those early days, we were doing well when we hit 30 viewers per day.  As an entier entity, we are producing over 6,000 hits per day on a regular basis between our various sites.  Some days we are over 12,000 hits in a single day.  So the battles continue.  To coin a phrase, everyone loves a bloodbath, it's good for business.  Sad, isn't it?

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