Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Senator John McCain, A Strong America

English: John McCain official photo portrait.
English: John McCain official photo portrait. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A secure world relies on a strong America. And a strong America relies on a robust military.
Yet, sadly under President Obama, America's military strength has been weakened and our country's leadership in the world has been questioned.
As a result, the world's most dangerous players are flexing their muscles. Extremists are gaining ground. And these conflicts are becoming more dangerous by the day for our allies—and for us.
My friend, what we're seeing across the world, particularly with the situation with Russia, is the ultimate result of Obama's reckless and feckless foreign policy.
From the beginning, when he refused to criticize the Iranian government, all the way through his incredible misreading of Vladimir Putin, the tyrant hell-bent on restoring the Soviet empire, Obama has led from behind.
If you want to see where Obama and the Democrats' priorities lie, look at how much they've slashed the defense budget yet found ways to pay for every item on their liberal wish list—the pinnacle being ObamaCare.
What kind of message are we sending when we slash defense funds and shrink the size of our military?
On national defense and international security, Democrats just don't "get it."
We must return to our best traditions of American leadership—for the sake of the cause of freedom, for the sake of the brave Americans who are willing to give their life for this cause, for the sake of our nation's peace and prosperity.
We must be committed to peace through strength to protect our national security in this dangerous world.
And we must support those facing brutal tyranny by their oppressors and our enemies.
That's why we must elect more Republicans to the Senate who will fight for freedom and will promote peace throughout the world.

Thank you,
Senator John McCain

Our Notes:  The Republicans are coming on strong right now.  A strong military is needed for DEFENSE.  Not to police the world.  We do not need to be the world police.  That is the job of the UN and even then , we do not need to be the world police for the UN.  How many trillions of dollars have now been wasted on being the world police from the US taxpayers?  And we should spend more why?  At least there is a good point on why we are wasting so many tax dollars on a health care system that was designed to fail from the start in our view.  Anyone in the political mafia ever here of the US Constitution?  We didn't think so.

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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Trolley-Bus Explosion in Russia Kills at Least 15

English: Trolley Bus outside Piraeus Railway S...
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Trolley-Bus Explosion In Russia Kills At Least 15.  The Wall Street Journal This Morning.  Podcast.  If you do not have the time to play it now, you can download it and play it later.  News when you want to hear it.
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Friday, November 29, 2013

Congressman Rob Wittman on Adoption Information Act and Protecting Adopted Children Act

English: Congressional portrait of Congressman...
English: Congressional portrait of Congressman Rob Wittman, 112th Congress. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
As a leader on adoption issues in the U.S. House I have introduced and managed efforts impacting adoption:

The Adoption Information Act (H.R. 3062): Domestic adoptions are more important now than ever as countries like Russia are closing their doors to American adoptions (sentence verbatim from Dear Colleague). I authored this legislation to ensure that birth mothers are aware of adoption as an option during pregnancy, and for family planning service providers to present pamphlets containing a list of adoption centers to any individual who requests abortion services or inquiries about any related information. I believe it is vital that women have all the necessary tools and opportunities to make the most informed decision regarding their health and their unborn baby. This legislation would truly enable women facing an unplanned pregnancy to be aware of the option of adoption and to help families who are longing to have a child of their own to have that chance.

The Protecting Adopted Children Act (H.R. 3423): Recent media reports highlighted the issue of “re-homing,” where adoptive families have unfortunately transferred adopted children into the homes of strangers, in an unregulated and underground process. This bill directs resources for states to assist adoptive families, to help provide a more stable home environment and prevent children from entering the foster care system or other less-regulated networks through the provision of pre- and post-adoptive support services.
Congress can and must take action to help the women, children and families affected by these issues.
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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Popular Communist Plan Email Propaganda Exposed

Restoring Honor rally Washington, D.C.
Restoring Honor rally Washington, D.C. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Below is what has been circulating in various media and being sent via emails all around the nation right now.  This particular copy came from a PDF file that was downloaded from the Glenn Beck website.  Now we are not going to pretend that this document does not exist.  In fact, we are going to say that it is probably a very good plant.  We are also not going to say that the overall plans were not meant to be put into place.  But what we will say is that we are not of the opinion that this is any kind of communist plan.  In fact, because this site has a global reach and is also read heavily in places like China and Russia on a daily basis, we are asking our readers in those countries if they have similar emails circulating only calling it something like a capitalist plan with minor changes in the overall structure.

  We are beating there are.  The below is not the plans of the communists to overthrow other countries, although some will take credit for the plans.  This is the kind of stuff of anarchist secret societies.  Demoralize the populace, divide and conquer.  Stuff like this is leaked to well placed mouth pieces like Glenn Beck or Alex Jones who then report it as scare stories.  It's well designed misinformation and well placed.  The aspect again as stated is misdirection and finger pointing to what one wishes to say is the enemy.  Is Russia the enemy?  For news purposes Russia is supposed to be the enemy.  However, we have read a number of propaganda pieces coming out of both counties that are saying the same thing about the other country and at the same time.  If your news is limited to just the country you live in, you will never see this.  If you actually surf the Internet throughout the world, you see that there is a global propaganda game being played everywhere against everyone.

  Again, because we are read worldwide, we surf the sites that commonly link to us and get an overall view of what is going on in those countries.  Russian life is hard to distinguish from life in China or America for that matter.  The overall surroundings and countryside may be different and cultures are different, but overall lifestyles are now about the same throughout the world.  Websites that we view in Russia sell the same goods as the US and everywhere else in the world.  Cars are about the same throughout the world.  Clothing and fashions are all blending to a one world model.  Even furniture lacks cultural distinctions these days and is modeled into a global set mix.  So are we willing to buy that the below is a Communist plan?  No way.  Has the overall plan been put into place and have the planners been successful with the overall objective?  You bet.  Take the time to read it.  It's rather eye opening.

1963 Communist Goals:

The following was entered into the Congressional record by Albert
Herlong, Jr. (a Floridian who served in Congress from 1949-69) in 1963.

1) US acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war
2) US willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war
3) Develop the illusion that total disarmament by the US would be a
demonstration of "moral strength"
4) Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation
and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
5) Extension of long term loans to Russia and Soviet Satellites
6) Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination
7) Grant recognition of Red China, and admission of Red China to the UN.
8) Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev's
promise in 1955 to settle the Germany question by free elections under
supervision of the UN
9) Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the US has agreed to
suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress
10) Allow all Soviet Satellites individual representation in the UN
11) Promote the UN as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is
rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one world government with its own
independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be
taken over as easily by the UN as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers
compete with each· other as they are now doing in the Congo)
12) Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party
13) Do away with loyalty oaths
14) Continue giving Russia access to the US Patent Office
15) Capture one or both of the political parties in the US
16) Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American
institutions, by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
17) Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for
Socialism, and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get
control of teachers associations. Put the party line in text books.
18) Gain control of all student newspapers
19) Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or
organizations which are under Communist attack.
20) Infiltrate the press. Get control of book review assignments, editorial
writing, policy-making positions.
21)· Gain control of key positions in radio, TV & motion pictures.
22) Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all form of artistic
expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good
sculpture from parks and buildings", substitute shapeless, awkward, and
meaningless forms.
23) Control art critics and directors of art museums. '1 Our plan is to
promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art".
24) Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and
a violation of free speech and free press.
25) Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography, and
obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV.
26) Present Homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as "normal, natural,
and heal thy"~
27) Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social"
religion. Discredit the Bible and emphas·ize the need for intellectual
maturity, which does not -need a "religious crutch"
28) Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on
the grounds that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state"
29) Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old
fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between
nations on a worldwide basis.
30) Discredit the American founding fathers. Present them as selfish
aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man".
31) Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of
American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of "the big
picture:" Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took
32) Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part
of the culture - - education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental
health clinics, etc.
33) Eliminate all laws or procedures, which interfere with the operation of
the Communist apparatus.
34) Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
35) Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI
36) Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
37) Infiltrate and gain control of big business
38) Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social
agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no
one but psychiatrists can understand or treat.
39) Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a
means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
40) Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy
41) Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of
parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to
suppressive influence of parents.
42) Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate
aspects of the American tradition; that students and special interest groups
should rise up and make a "united force" to solve economic, political, or
social problems.
43) Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready
for self-government.
44) Internationalize the Panama Canal.
45) Repeal the Connally Reservation so the US can not prevent the World
Court from seizing jurisdiction over domestic problems. Give the World Court
jurisdiction over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction over
nations and individuals alike.
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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Satan's Diary - Not What You Expect

SATAN’S DIARY,” Leonid Andreyev’s last work, was completed by the great Russian a few days before he died in Finland, in September, 1919. But a few years ago the most popular and successful of Russian writers, Andreyev died almost penniless, a sad, tragic figure, disillusioned, broken-hearted over the tragedy of Russia.
A year ago Leonid Andreyev wrote me that he was eager to come to America, to study this country and familiarize Americans with the fate of his unfortunate countrymen. I arranged for his visit to this country and informed him of this by cable. But on the very day I sent my cable the sad news came from Finland announcing that Leonid Andreyev died of heart failure.
In “Satan’s Diary” Andreyev summed up his boundless disillusionment in an absorbing satire on human life. Fearlessly and mercilessly he hurled the falsehoods and hypocrisies into the face of life. He portrayed Satan coming to this earth to amuse himself and play. Having assumed the form of an American multi-millionaire, Satan set out on a tour through Europe in quest of amusement and adventure. Before him passed various forms of spurious virtues, hypocrisies, vithe ruthless cruelty of man and the often deceptive innocence of woman. Within a short time Satan finds himself outwitted, deceived, relieved of his millions, mocked, humiliated, beaten by man in his own devilish devices.

Free downloads of this e-book are available.
The link above is for a free download.  The e-book is in PDF file format.  Less than 4 megs in size.  You can also download a copy from our SlideShare site.  Enjoy.

English: Leonid Andreyev sitting on a chair II
English: Leonid Andreyev sitting on a chair II (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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Sunday, July 14, 2013

ESPN Sports News Updates - NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, Nascar, Boxing, Golf, Tennis

ESPN (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
We are blacking out all sporting events coverage in protest of Russian Troops on US soil policing US events.  The only sound way to stop issues like this is to hurt the pockets of those who profit from it.  We will not get involved in other forms of protest.  We are just not going to support sporting events or major national events in any form or way until this is reversed.  If Russia would never tolerate US troops on it's soil, why are we tolerating Russian Troops on US Soil?  Google the story for yourself.  It's well documented.
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Monday, July 1, 2013

US Government Sells Out To Russian Government - Treason?

Seal of the White House Office of Homeland Sec...
Seal of the White House Office of Homeland Security, which was formed by executive order on October 8, 2001, and later grew into the United States Department of Homeland Security. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Russian Forces to Provide “Security” At US Events

FEMA signs deal with Russian Emergency Situations Ministry to “exchange experts”

Paul Joseph Watson
 July 1, 2013
As part of a deal signed last week in Washington DC between the
Russian Emergency Situations Ministry and FEMA, Russian officials will
provide “security at mass events” in the United States, a scenario
that won’t sit well with Americans wary of foreign assets operating on
US soil.

According to a press release by the Ministry of the Russian Federation
for Civil Defense and Emergencies, US and Russian officials met on
June 25 at the 17th Joint U.S.-Russia Cooperation Committee on
Emergency Situations.

In addition to agreeing with FEMA to “exchange experts during joint
rescue operations in major disasters,” the Russian Emergency
Situations Ministry will also be providing “security at mass events”
in the United States.

This suggests that events designated as “National Special Security
Events” by the Department of Homeland Security, which include the
Super Bowl, international summits such as the G8 and presidential
inaugurations, will now rely partly on Russian authorities to provide

The meeting last week also agreed on the conclusion that US and
Russian emergency authorities will increase their co-operation, “in
order to respond efficiently to all kinds of disasters.”

The use of foreign troops or other officials in a law enforcement
capacity providing “security” inside the United States is illegal
under Posse Comitatus. Capt. William Geddes of the U.S. Army Reserve
acknowledged last year that it is against federal law to use US troops
to conduct police patrols, despite the fact that such occurrences are
becoming increasingly common. The use of foreign troops is an even
more clear cut violation of Posse Comitatus.

Last year we reported on how Russian troops were invited to the US as
part of a Fort Carson, Colorado drill focused around anti-terror
training. Aside from learning how to target terrorists in America, the
Russian soldiers were also out in the local community attending a
baseball game in Colorado Springs.

As Mac Slavo writes, “Rumors have circulated for years about the
possibility of foreign troops being deployed on U.S. soil in the event
of a widespread declaration of a national emergency. For quite some
time there have been anecdotal reports to support the claim that the
U.N., Russia and other nations would be used in a policing capacity
should some critical event befall our nation.”

“The fear should such a scenario take place has been that these
soldiers would act under the banner of their own flags, ignoring the
fundamental protections afforded to our citizens, leaving Americans
under the jurisdiction of people who don’t speak our language or
respect our fundamental rights to self defense, to be secure in our
homes, and to be presumed innocent in the eyes of the law.”

Concerns about foreign troops being used on US soil have lingered ever
since the release of State Department Publication 7277, which is a
blueprint for the harmonization of US and Russian forces under a
framework of United Nations-led global government.

Back in 2008 it was also reported that US and Canadian authorities had
signed an agreement that would pave the way to using each other’s
militaries on both sides of the border “during an emergency”.

Alex Jones has documented foreign troops being trained on U.S. soil to
deal with “insurgents” since the late 1990′s as part of “urban warfare

Back in July 2010, our reporters covered the Operation Vigilant Guard
exercises in Chicago which involved Polish troops training alongside
U.S. National Guard troops in drills focused around raiding terrorists
and drug dealers.

According to SFC Mark Ballard of the Illinois National Guard, the
Polish forces were “integrating into some of the civil military units
that are participating in this exercise” as part of Illinois’
partnership with the Republic of Poland, a relationship based around
“integrative training” and blending military and civilian forces in
the event of a national emergency, as well as making this process of
integration with foreign troops more “visible”.  Link back to original story.

This is beyond ridiculous.  The Russians would not stand for US troops at their national events, why should we?  We highly recommend national blackouts.  Instead of protesting at these events, we highly recommend the complete non support of the events.  Starting today, this site is starting a national blackout of all sports coverage.  We will post sports updates as national blackouts.

  You change the system by forcing the system to not be supported by anyone.  This is the most effective weapon.  Take away all funding support and force those with the most to lose, to change the system.  Otherwise it's business as usual.  It's all part of the one world order.  A one world order would not be bad if it were not totalitarian, but the one world order that is coming is totalitarian.  Your voice will mean nothing.  We have covered on this site how you are not even allowed to voice your opinions these days without some sort of backlash.  It's going to get worse unless you are willing to change it from the inside now.

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