Showing posts with label School Board. Show all posts
Showing posts with label School Board. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

From About One Year Ago, Gloucester School Board - What Has Changed?

Gloucester CountyVirginia’s Board of Supervisors seems to be headed in a more sensible direction than it has been for many years.  If this governing body continues to make decisions on the side of what makes sense things will become better for Gloucester as a whole. However, there is one significant area where the governing body has little or no ability to apply sensibility or even successfully encourage it at this point.  That area is the Gloucester County public education system. 
The School Board is also a governing body whose primary function is to oversee the application and function of an effective public education system.  Many sensible thinkers believe the fateful aspects of Gloucester’s public education system stem primarily from the fact that Dr. Howard Benjamin (Ben) Kiser was hired and allowed to manipulate the School Board into a tool to facilitate his own aspirations, desires and gains.
The Kiser’s, record in Gloucester includes; ignoring negative disciplinary trends within the school system; failing to ensure the effective administration of mathematics at Gloucester’s only public high school; creating an atmosphere of un-trust and low morale among Gloucester’s teaching staff; turning Gloucester’s public school system and School Board into political tools; creating animosity and dysfunction between the Board of Supervisors and the School Board; disregarding input from the Gloucester Community after a tornado partially destroyed Page Middle School; allowing the unnecessary and unwarranted demolition of needed and usable infrastructure; excessive and disproportionate spending; creating biased and non-transparent citizen committees; sending Freedom of Information Act and Records Retention Act protected information to more than one of his private email accounts and failing to provide such emails in response to FOIA requests; 
manipulating Commonwealth of Virginia and Gloucester County Professional Service procurement procedures; placing his personal gain and ambitions above administering a quality public education program; failing to examine and correct significantly flawed accountability procedures intended to protect approximately 1.4 million dollars annually in school activities funds; and the list goes on and on. 
Now the rest of the Commonwealth of Virginia will have the opportunity to witness the workings of a Virginia K-12 public education administration failure as The Kiser now becomes Director of the Virginia Association of School Superintendents.  This non-governmental position will enhance his ability to distort the sensible mind sets of public school Superintendents in every district throughout the Commonwealth. Well done Dr. Howard Benjamin (Ben) Kiser.  Well done.  As a member of the sensible thinking Gloucester Community I thank you for the excessive debt, the unfocused School Board, the disruptive school environments, the inadequate teaching at Gloucester High School and all of the other many wonderful knife in the back gifts you are leaving Gloucester County as you continue your journey to self gratification utopia.
Kenneth E. Hogge, Sr

Our Notes:  We were asked to review an article posted last year and ask everyone the simple question, what has changed?

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Gloucester Schools Want More Funding For Page Middle School

Here we go.  This point has already been put up before the Board of Supervisors already and the Board pretty much said no.  So what do the propagandists do?  They start the media campaign in an effort to publicly  embarrass the Board of Supervisors in an expectation that the School Board will get its way.

  This is not a new trick.  Its a very old trick and it works very well.  Especially when you can get any area of the media to run the story such as channel 13 news.  The school board is bloated with way too many administrative staff and spent a fortune on a refurbishing an entire school building for themselves all at the same time knowing that they had to fund Page.  But hey, its your money so who cares how much they spend?

  We have a solution to all of this.  Raise the tax rates on every registered democrat in Gloucester County by 3 times the present rate.  For the democrats hiding in the republican party raise their rates by the same amount.  Raise the rates on the socialists by 10 times the present amount.  They are free to complain but no one will care.  Anyone else who just feels bad about it all can pony up and donate all the money they want until it hurts.  Get another mortgage on your house and donate that money to the school board so they can continue their bloat at your expense.  This should allow them to add all new levels of bloat as well.

  We told everyone years ago before construction even started this would happen.  Yes we are saying we told you so.  What is even worse?  None of these folks feel the least bit bad about this crap.  In fact if you want to talk to any of them they will be more than happy to justify their claim and talk you out of more of your money.  Make it simple, just hand them all the money in your pocket before you even start to think about speaking to any of them.

One last thought.  If the school board can not afford to open this school they can always turn it into a homeless shelter that the area desperately needs anyway.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Gloucester, VA School Board Meeting For October, 2014: A Must Watch

In case you missed this meeting, here is the video.  We are re hosting these meetings on YouTube now for better streaming.  We have heard and experienced many complaints about the streaming from the county's main website and it's very rare that streaming from YouTube represents issues.  You can still embed these video and share them any way you wish.

Now this is one of those must watch videos.  Most of the times these videos have a tendency to be boring.  This one has some really good moments that make it well worth watching.

Gloucester, Virginia Links and News
Gloucester's Best News Site

Friday, September 26, 2014

Gloucester, VA School Board Meeting Video, September 9th, 2014

Gloucester, VA Board of Supervisors &School Board Joint Meeting With Notes, Sept. 2014

Open letter to Gloucester County.

In the July and first September Board of Supervisors (BOS)  meeting I spoke during the citizen comment period and gave the BOS a list of things they need to do to make Gloucester County "The Land of the Life Worth Living."

Based on the grades on the two report cards I was told that I should provide you with ways to improve your grades. 

Before I do that I have to make a comment about the September 16th joint meeting.  Does anyone on the School Administrative staff have a degree of any kind?  The staff went into joint meeting with the Board of Supervisors totally unprepared.  I know I would not have any degree if I went into a test as unprepared as the School Board Staff was last night.  With the salaries we pay can’t we get someone with a degree or at least someone that knows why they are going to a meeting as employees?  If I was a member of the School Board I would be embarrassed.

I am going to look at the second item that I am grading the BOS with:  Hold Department Heads and Supervisors to high standards and get rid of them when they break the rules.  You cannot hold lower level employees to high standards if they are not practiced at the higher levels.

There were numerous examples provided in the two September meetings.

I will start with the meeting on the 16th.  The School Board staff did a great job of not having prepared anything in my opinion with a standard answer that we will get back with you later with an answer.  Do not have any more meetings with them if they do not come prepared as it's a total waste of your time.  If they do, tell them the meeting is over and that you will develop a budget for them without their input.  You give them about $10 million less than they want one year and maybe they will get the hint they need to provide open and honest communications with you.  I do not think it will happen a second time.

In my opinion the County Staff is equally lazy and predictable and like to talk in circles for several minutes without answering your questions hoping you will forget the question or answer they are not responsible.

First, tell them you want an executive summary answer, 20 words or less, and if you need more information you will ask another question again with a short answer.  I like what Mr. Meyer said about the flood document that it needed to be a pamphlet that anyone could read quickly and not a novel as it currently exist.  Hold the staff accountable and make them reduce the document to a size anyone can read and understand; we are not paying them by the pound.  What are they trying to hide?  If it is above the 6th – 8th grade reading level they are trying to hide something.  This is the level that most documents are written that are readily used by most of the population.  Above this level it is a coffee table book that is not read.

Second, when you have employees that tell you they are not responsible for what they are presenting to you?  Tell them it is with great sorrow that you accept their resignation effective immediately?  I think it was an ms ditzy that said that; I would have to go back to the agenda to get the persons actual name.  If they are responsible for preparing the document and tell you something like that then they are very much overpaid and need to leave.

Third, when they do this;  stop the speaker telling them they are done; then ask Ms. Garton to get someone qualified to make the presentation.

If you use these suggestions I do not think you will continue to have problems getting answers and employees giving you the required respect.

I am a tax payer and you need to be held accountable to “We the People”.

I have a voter registration card and know how to use it.
Respectfully submitted by

Wayne Crews
Gloucester Point District

P.S.  The school population is increasing because of the new superintendent? What has he done for us for him to make this kind of statement and can he provide proof he is responsible?  You have to go to the meetings or watch them on TV.  More entertaining than anything else on TV in the time slot.  I think the meeting made the top Nelson rating for the night in the time slot if not it should have.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Gloucester, Virginia School Activities Funds Accounting Nightmares

Greetings Doctor Clemons and School Board Members,

About a year ago rumors began to circulate about the possible misuse or theft of Gloucester County Public Schools’ (GCPS) athletic event entrance fees.  After hearing the rumors persist for a few months I and other Gloucester citizens began to take a look at how Activities Funds are handled.

On April 29, 2014 concerns pertaining to GCPS Activities Funds were presented to the School Board via email.  During the May 13, 2014 School Board meeting it was announced that a presentation and review of activities and athletics, audits, etc. would be scheduled for the July or August meeting of the School Board. The presentation actually occurred at the September 9, 2014 School Board meeting.

From the presentation it looks like some positive steps are being made to enhance accountability of Activities Funds.  However, the biggest deficiency seems to be those responsible for oversight (The School Board)being disengaged.  Based on the questions various board members asked, it is clearly evident they have not gone to the schools and witnessed first hand how Activities Funds are handled.  Another issue that should be explored is the School System’s reason for having its audit combined with the County’s.  Ms. Wright stated it was because of inconsistencies in reports that were received from the previous Auditors the school system procured independently.  What were the inconsistencies?  Were the other Auditors seeing shortcomings not normally pointed out by the currently used Auditor who has also been the sole Auditor for the County for several years?

(Excerpt from Audit Report)
Basis of Accounting
We draw attention to Note 1 of the financial statements, which describes the basis of accounting.This financial statement is prepared on the cash basis of accounting, which is a basis of accounting other than accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Our opinion is not modified with respect to that matter.
Accounting for over $1.4million annually using accounting procedures not generally accepted in theUnited States of America does not seem very responsible.  Are there “best practices” accounting procedures that could be implemented?
(Excerpt from Audit Report)
In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated August 15, 2014 , on our consideration of County of Gloucester , Virginia School Activity Funds’ internal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements and other matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards in considering County of Gloucester , Virginia School Activity Funds’ internal control over financial reporting and compliance.
In this excerpt the Auditor speaks to the scope of testing.  What is the test ratio used to determine how much of what is looked at during the audit?  The Auditor makes it clear that the audit is not a comprehensive analysis of internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. Who does a comprehensive analysis and how often?  Maybe a committee made up of students, teachers, School Board members,  bookkeepers and parents should be created to provide monthly oversight.

(Excerpt from Audit Report)
Internal Control over Financial Reporting
In planning and performing our audit of the financial statement, we considered County of Gloucester, Virginia School Activity Funds’ internal control over financial reporting (internal control) to determine the audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the financial statement, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of County of Gloucester, Virginia School Activity Funds’ internal control. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of County of GloucesterVirginia School Activity Funds’ internal control.
In this excerpt the Auditor makes it clear that the audit does not measure how effective or ineffective internal accountability procedures are.  If the annual audit does not measure compliance or effectiveness of internal accountability then who or what does? A monthly review committee could also provide oversight in this area.
(Excerpt from Audit Report)
Our consideration of internal control was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control that might be material weaknesses or, significant deficiencies.Given these limitations, during our audit we did not identify any deficiencies in internal control that we consider to be material weaknesses. However, material weaknesses may exist that have not been identified.
In the excerpt the Auditor makes it clear that the Audit is not in depth enough to identify all instances of theft or misuse and acknowledges that theft or misuse may exist.  Amounts of money in question in the Audit Report should not be considered when deciding whether or not accountability procedures are being followed.  Only procedures followed in comparison to policy, the number of noted shortcomings in comparison to the sample ratio, shortcomings from previous years and any mitigating circumstances surrounding the shortcomings should be considered when determining if a further look is necessary.  An overall compliance determination cannot be made using only the Annual Audit Report. For all the Auditor or anyone else knows, there could be discrepancies involving tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars because oversight by the School Board is nonexistent.  Again, a monthly review committee could effectively provide that oversight.
(Excerpt from Audit Report)
Significant Accounting Policy:
The accounts and records of the school activity funds are maintained on a cash basis reflecting only cash received and disbursed. Therefore, receivables and payables, inventories, accrued income and expenses, equipment, and depreciation, which are material in amount are not reflected, and these statements do not present the overall financial position or results of operations. Minor additions and replacements of furniture and equipment intended to be paid for out of normally recurring income are included in costs and expenses in lieu of depreciation on the statements of cash receipts, disbursements, and balances.
In this excerpt the Auditor is stating that the School System’s Activities Funds Financial Statement is incomplete. It lacks quantified material values which are necessary to properly account for equipment, supplies, etc.  Are there policies and methods in place to account for the Activities Fund’s material inventory?
(Excerpt from Audit Report)
All Schools
Due to the nature of school activity funds, there is an inherent risk of misappropriation of assets associated with the lack of segregation of duties over the accounts, records, and financial reporting. Although this risk exists, the costs of segregating these duties would likely outweigh the benefits. We recommend those charged with governance and management implement review procedures and other monitoring activities to mitigate the risks associated with the lack of segregation of duties.
The above statement has been included in at least the last five years audit reports.  The following was provided in the presentation and is not included in the actual Audit Report contained in the online Agenda Packet.
(Excerpt from Presentation Slide)
School activity funds across the Commonwealth of Virginia have an inherent risk associated with the lack of segregation of duties over their accounts, records and financial reporting. An inherent risk is in the environment due [to] the lack of an accounting department in a school. By default, the fiscal responsibilities are typically handled by the school bookkeeper and reviewed by the individual school principals and certain school board staff and members. This review and oversight by management and those charged with governance mitigates the risk associated with this lack of segregation of duties. This inherent risk is present in every school activity fund across the Commonwealth of Virginia . This statement does not “suggest that there has been a continuing history of non-existent procedures and monitoring activities” It serves to report to management and those charged with governance about the importance of their involvement in the fiscal matters of the school activity funds to provide oversight and review activities. Ann Wall, Robinson, Farmer, Cox Associates
None of the audits performed by the Auditor within the last five years contained a scope directing or requiring an analysis to identify reoccurring or continuing shortcomings, trends, etc.  Each and every report for the last five years contains the following pointed statement:

(Excerpt from Audit Report)
We recommend those charged with governance and management implement review procedures and other monitoring activities to mitigate the risks associated with the lack of segregation of duties.
The above statement explicitly recommends the” implementation” of review procedures and monitoring activities. The Auditors have continually used the word “implement”, not other words like improve, enhance or continue.  Of course such a statement in a single report does not suggest a continuing history, but five years worth of reports containing the same statement certainly does exemplify that appearance.

Thank you for responding to the concerns previously presented.  In closing I would like to recommend the following link to Fairfax County’s policy pertaining to activities funds.  FairfaxRichmond and numerous other localities have comprehensive policies that could be used as models in developing policies here in Gloucester County.

Kenny Hogge, Sr.
Gloucester Point

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Gloucester, VA Why Teachers Are Not Getting Raises?

The above school board vehicle was at Hardee's restaurant this morning, August 27th, 2014 at 8:24 AM.  Vehicle number was badly damaged and we could only make out 27 as in vehicle number two hundred and seventy something.  No rare state plate was visible on the vehicle at all.  The two guys inside were waving to us as we took their pictures.

The above pictured vehicle was seen yesterday at 7-Eleven across from Hardee's restaurant in the Courthouse Area.  This vehicle is registered to Dave Miller and the person in charge of this vehicle?  Dave Miller.  This van is seen all the time stopping everywhere.  We have more pictures of this van than any other county vehicle.  It belongs to the school board of course.

  No other county vehicles were seen at restaurants, stores or other quick market stores recently.  This would seem like one of many reasons teachers in Gloucester County Public Schools do not seem to get well deserved raises.  School board admin and support staff like to waste money.  Over the years, the school board has convinced the teachers that it's the Board of Supervisors who are responsible for teachers not getting raises and the school board each year marches a host of teachers and students before the board of supervisors to complain about not having enough money.

  What a scam in our view.  Let's look at some basic facts, the school board has been getting steady increases every year while student enrollment has been falling.  The school board has increased it's administrative staff to an enormous size, wasted millions of untold taxpayer dollars on renovating an old school for their own facilities that is way to large for their needs, but to small for all their wants, wasted even more millions building a new school that simply was not needed, all so certain people could get fatter checks all the while ignoring the basic needs of the teachers and hence, the students.  More typical hypocrisy from the top here in Gloucester County.  Waste at so many levels and we are fed a mantra that it's all for the children.  No it's not.  It's all for the few and screw you.  Buy their hype and BS all you want, it's not about the children no matter how many times they try and sell you that song.

  The waste must stop.  So we will keep digging and posting all that we find.  It's time for the teachers of Gloucester County to hold the school board accountable and stop buying the garbage they want to sell you.