Monday, September 30, 2013

The Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If you’re in the mood for a chewy snack that doubles as a phenomenal health food, look no further than pumpkin seeds.
With a wide variety of nutrients ranging from magnesium and manganese to copper, protein and zinc, pumpkin seeds are nutritional powerhouses wrapped up in a very small package. They also contain plant compounds known as phytosterols and free-radical scavenging antioxidants,1 which can give your health an added boost.
Best of all, because pumpkin seeds are highly portable and require no refrigeration, they make an excellent snack to keep with you whenever you’re on the go, or they can be used as a quick anytime snack at home, too.

9 Top Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

One-quarter cup of pumpkin seeds contains nearly half of the recommended daily amount of magnesium, which participates in a wide range of vitally important physiological functions, including the creation of ATP (adenosine triphospate, the energy molecules of your body), the synthesis of RNA and DNA, the pumping of your heart, proper bone and tooth formation, relaxation of your blood vessels, and proper bowel function.
Magnesium has been shown to benefit your blood pressure and help prevent sudden cardiac arrest, heart attack, and stroke, yet an estimated 80 percent of Americans are deficient in this important mineral.
2.  Zinc for Immune Support
Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of zinc (one ounce contains more than 2 mg of this beneficial mineral). Zinc is important to your body in many ways, including immunity, cell growth and division, sleep, mood, your senses of taste and smell, eye and skin health, insulin regulation, and male sexual function.
Many are deficient in zinc due to mineral-depleted soils, drug effects, plant-based diets, and other diets high in grain. This deficiency is associated with increased colds and flu, chronic fatigue, depression, acne, low birth weight babies, learning problems and poor school performance in children, among others.
3.  Plant-Based Omega-3 Fats
Raw nuts and seeds, including pumpkin seeds, are one of the best sources of plant-based omega-3s (alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)). We all need ALA, however, ALA has to be converted by your body into the far more essential omega-3 fats EPA and DHA -- by an enzyme in which the vast majority of us have impaired by high insulin levels. So, while pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of ALA, I believe it is essential to get some of your omega-3 fats from animal sources, such as krill oil, as well.
4.  Prostate Health
Pumpkin seeds have long been valued as an important natural food for men’s health. This is in part because of their high zinc content, which is important for prostate health (where it is found in the highest concentrations in the body), and also because pumpkin seed extracts and oils may play a role in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH, or enlarged prostate). Research suggests that both pumpkin seeds,2 and pumpkin seed oil used in combination with saw palmetto may be particularly beneficial in supporting prostate health.
5.  Anti-Diabetic Effects
Animal studies suggest that pumpkin seeds may help improve insulin regulation and help prevent diabetic complications by decreasing oxidative stress.4
6.  Benefits for Postmenopausal Women
Pumpkin seed oil is rich in natural phytoestrogens and studies suggest it may lead to a significant increase in good “HDL” cholesterol along with decreases in blood pressure, hot flashes, headaches, joint pains and other menopausal symptoms in postmenopausal women.5
7.  Heart and Liver Health
Pumpkin seeds, rich in healthy fats, antioxidants and fibers, may provide benefits for heart and liver health, particularly when mixed with flax seeds.6
8.  Tryptophan for Restful Sleep
Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of tryptophan, an amino acid (protein building block) that your body converts into serotonin, which in turn is converted into melatonin, the “sleep hormone.” Eating pumpkin seeds a few hours before bed, along with a carbohydrate like a small piece of fruit, may be especially beneficial for providing your body the tryptophan needed for your melatonin and serotonin production to help promote a restful night’s sleep.7
9.  Anti-Inflammatory Benefits
Pumpkin seed oil has been found to exhibit anti-inflammatory effects. One animal study even found it worked as well as the anti-inflammatory drug indomethacin in treating arthritis, but without the side effects.8

What’s the Best Way to Consume Pumpkin Seeds?

In order to preserve the healthy fats present in the seeds, pumpkin seeds should be eaten raw. If you choose to purchase seeds from a bulk bin, make sure they smell fresh – not musty, spoiled or stale, which could indicate rancidity or the presence of fungal mycotoxins. Organic pumpkin seeds are preferred, as they will not be contaminated with pesticides or other harmful chemicals.
However, most nuts and seeds have anti-nutrients like phytic acid that can make all the previously discussed important nutrients less bioavailable when you consume them. So if you plan on consuming seeds or nuts on a regular basis it would be wise to soak or sprout them. To make them more palatable you can then dehydrate them in your oven, or better yet and more cost effectively in a dehydrator. There are many dehydrators on the market but Excalibur is generally considered the best. I have used one for over 20 years. They are readily available on Amazon.
If you prefer to eat the seeds roasted, do so yourself so you can control the roasting temperature and time. Raw pumpkin seeds can be roasted on a low heat setting in your oven (no more than 170 degrees F or 75 degrees Celsius), sprinkled with Himalayan or other natural salt, for about 15-20 minutes.
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Liberty's Kids 22, Lafayette Arrives, Battle of the Hook Pre Show

Anti Federalist Paper No.18-20, WHAT DOES HISTORY TEACH? (PART 1)

“AN OLD WHIG,” taken from The Massachusetts Gazette, November 27, 1787, as reprinted from the [Philadelphia] Independent Gazetteer.

. . . By the proposed constitution, every law, before it passes, is to undergo repeated revisions; and the constitution of every state in the union provide for the revision of the most trifling laws, either by their passing through different houses of assembly and senate, or by requiring them to be published for the consideration of the people. Why then is a constitution which affects all the inhabitants of the United States-which is to be the foundation of all laws and the source of misery or happiness to one- quarter of the globe-why is this to be so hastily adopted or rejected, that it cannot admit of a revision? If a law to regulate highways requires to be leisurely considered and undergo the examination of different bodies of men, one after another, before it be passed, why is it that the framing of a constitution for the government of a great people-a work which has been justly considered as the greatest effort of human genius, and which from the beginning of the world has so often baffled the skill of the wisest men in every age-shall be considered as a thing to be thrown out, in the first shape which it may happen to assume? Where is the impracticability of a revision? Cannot the same power which called the late convention call another? Are not the people still their own masters? If, when the several state conventions come to consider this constitution, they should not approve of it, in its present form, they may easily apply to congress and state their objections. Congress may as easily direct the calling another convention, as they did the calling the last. The plan may then be reconsidered, deliberately received and corrected, so as to meet the approbation of every friend to his country. A few months only will be necessary for this purpose; and if we consider the magnitude of the object, we shall deem it well worth a little time and attention. It is Much better to pause and reflect before hand, than to repent when it is too late; when no peaceable remedy will be left us, and unanimity will be forever banished.

The struggles of the people against a bad government, when it is once fixed, afford but a gloomy picture in the annals of mankind, They are often unfortunate; they are always destructive of private and public happiness; but the peaceable consent of a people to establish a free and effective government is one of the most glorious objects that is ever exhibited on the theater of human affairs. Some, I know, have objected that another convention will not be likely to agree upon anything-I am far however from being of that opinion. The public voice calls so loudly for a new constitution that I have no doubt we shall have one of some sort. My only fear is that the impatience of the people will lead them to accept the first that is offered them without examining whether it is right or wrong. And after all, if a new convention cannot agree upon any amendments in the constitution, which is at present proposed, we can still adopt this in its present form; and all further opposition being vain, it is to be hoped we shall be unanimous in endeavouring to make the best of it. The experiment is at least worth trying, and I shall be much astonished, if a new convention called together for the purpose of revising the proposed constitution, do not greatly reform it . . .

Read the rest below;

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Gloucester, VA Officials Selling Hand Guns For One Dollar Each

English: Jehrico 941F 9 mm pistol עברית: אקדח ...
English: Jehrico 941F 9 mm pistol עברית: אקדח יריחו (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
PRESENTER: Darrell Warren
               TITLE: Sheriff

Georgette N. Hurley Assistant County Administrator for
Human Services

AGENDA ITEM : Request to Consider Amendment of County Code 22-20 “Purchase of Firearm by Retiring Officers


County Code 22-20 states that the county may allow for a retiring officer with at least 25 years of service to purchase their issued handgun for $1.00. I am requesting this code be amended to mirror State Code 59.1-148.3 which is much more specific and allows for officers injured in the line of duty and Auxiliary Officers to purchase their handguns at fair market value.

Additionally, attached is a memorandum from recently retired Chief Animal Control Officer Carl Shipley. As a sworn law enforcement officer with twenty-two (22) years of service with Gloucester County, he is also seeking the Board’s consideration to amend County Code 22-20 to reflect State Code 59.1-148.3.  (Why is a county criminal even being mentioned here?)

Oh look.  The county is actually fixing one of it's really bad codes on it's own.  We are all very shocked.  They were selling guns for one dollar, but now are switching over to fair market value.  About time.  We had not found that one yet.  So tax payers have been financing guns to public citizens at tax payer expenses?  So how long has this gone on and how much has it cost the taxpayers of the county to date?  How many can local citizens buy for that $1.00 each before the amendment?

Read more below;

Dear Mrs. Garton,

I am writing to request an amendment to County Code 22-20 “Purchase of handgun by retired officers” which states that the Sheriff, with approval of the local governing body, may allow a retiring officer with at least twenty five years of service to purchase their department issued handgun for $1.00.

I was completely unaware of the county ordinance until I made a written request to you to sell a firearm to a retiring Auxiliary Deputy who has served Gloucester County in this capacity for over 15 years and that request was denied based on our county ordinance. VA State Code 59.1-148.3 G states that any sheriff or local police department, in accordance with written authorization or approval from the local governing body, may allow any auxiliary law-enforcement officer with more than 10 years of service to purchase the service handgun issued to him by the agency at a price that is equivalent to or less than the weapon's fair market value on the date of purchase by the officer.

I am surprised that Gloucester County established a County Ordinance to cover this topic when the State Code covers it with much greater detail. I would ask the Board of Supervisors to consider amending the County Code to mirror the State Code for these circumstances.

Thank you for your consideration!


Darrell W. Warren Jr.

Our notes:

Darrell Warren was surprised by this why?  Oh wait, that was a slam on Twitching Ted  Willymot now wasn't it?   You can fool some of the people some of the time, you can not fool all of the people all of the time.  This does nothing to stop our next upcoming ordinance violation report to everyone.  The county is loaded with them.

But we really have to be fair and seriously congratulate them on fixing one on their own without us having to point it out to them.  Job well done.  Keep going, only with a lot more and a lot faster.
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Rights of Victims of Crime

Open Letter to the Citizens of Gloucester County Virginia

Since County officials are incapable of following the law as shown repeatedly on this blog site; is this why the Board of Supervisors write nanny state laws because they think everyone else is like them?

The Virginia Constitution was written for us to limit the government intrusion into our lives.  Have you ever read the Constitution of the United States?  How about the Constitution of Virginia?

Article 1 Section 9.  Rights of victims of crime.  ” That in criminal prosecutions, the victim shall be accorded fairness, dignity and respect by the officers, employees and agents of the Commonwealth and its political subdivisions and officers of the courts and, as the General Assembly may define and provide by law, may be accorded rights to reasonable and appropriate notice, information, restitution, protection, and access to a meaningful role in the criminal justice process. These rights may include, but not be limited to,….

….This section does not confer upon any person a right to appeal or modify any decision in a criminal proceeding, does not abridge any other right guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States or this Constitution, and does not create any cause of action for compensation or damages against the Commonwealth or any of its political subdivisions, any officer, employee or agent of the Commonwealth or any of its political subdivisions, or any officer of the court.”

The county chooses to ignore their violations of the law putting them in violation of this Article of the Constitution of Virginia by not having criminal proceedings.  Is the Commonwealth Attorney incapable of understanding evidence presented in the blog about the violations being committed in the county?  Not capable of collecting evidence? Collection is easy, go to any business that sells food that is ready to eat.  I was behind a public utility truck traveling up Rt. 17 Tuesday morning about 7:30 until it turned into 7-11.  Does this explain why Virginia will not spend part of the Federal Highway windfall on improving roads in the county?  Why our representative and senator will not support Gloucester in Richmond?  No additional money for the criminals?

County employees spend more time on personal errands than working so it appears by the continued abuse shown on this blog site.  At this point I have to put all of the county employees in the same pot; no one has come forward to point out the criminals so you are all guilty by deed or by allowing it to continue.  Is this the way you were raised?  I have heard many people talking about criminals in DC; why should they be any different if we allow it in our local government?  Until we get our house in order we cannot expect any different behavior at any other level of government.  We are in the Bible Belt it is time we start acting like it and not that we live in Sodom and Gomorrah!

I am not a lawyer and cannot give legal advice.  Our founding fathers used common sense and Christian scripture when establishing our founding documents. 

“For the Common Good. “


Alexander James Jay

P.S.  "Nothing so strongly impels a man to regard the interest of his constituents, as the certainty of returning to the general mass of the people, from whence he was taken, where he must participate in their burdens."–George Mason, speech in the Virginia Ratifying Convention, 1788
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Monday Gloucester Government Employee Corruption Report

7:45 AM Monday morning, September, 30th, 2013, Van number 226, Gloucester County Government vehicle, pulls into 7-Eleven in the courthouse area along route 17.  One man gets out and goes into the store.  Then what?

He goes across the way and over to McDonald's.  Here you see him driving around the building checking out his surroundings to make sure he isn't being watched.

Here is the guy driving that van.  He just finished placing his order at the drive up window at McDonald's.  Sorry the picture is fuzzy but anyone recognizer this guy?  It does not matter, all anyone has to do is look up who had van number 226 today.

License plate 117-607L.  So this guy starts his little adventure at 7-Eleven and then goes to McDonald's, all on your money.  If anyone doubt's the location, we have plenty more pictures of this vehicle at these two locations.  We only seethe need to post so many though.


Vehicle number 23, Public Utilities.  Came out of WaWa at 9:05 AM.  We caught them as they were coming out.  This shot is after the fact going down 17 south.  They were not buying gas.  The county has it's own gas pumps for government vehicles.  More government employees playing around on your tax money using officials vehicles for personal use.

As we continue to say and continue to show.  Gloucester, Virginia officials are incapable of following any rules and think that rules only apply to others and not them.  How many months have we been showing this and the county does nothing about it?  Oath of office means nothing.  Laws mean nothing.  Rules mean nothing, except when it works in their favor.  These people have to be so proud of themselves these days.
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