Showing posts with label 2nd Amendment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2nd Amendment. Show all posts

Monday, April 12, 2021

Gloucester County, Va. Supervisor Leading Charge to Protect 2nd Amendment Rights

York District Supervisor Phillip Bazzani asked fellow Gloucester Supervisors to consider opening a discussion on following Newton County, Missouri’s lead in opposing Un-Constitutional and tyrannical gun laws the federal government is attempting to shove down the American People’s throats.

Supervisor Bazzani, who describes himself as “a fierce defender of 2nd Amendment rights”, read Newton County’s "Second Amendment Preservation Act", after which he acknowledged some parts may not be able to be done legally in the Commonwealth of Virginia and asked that those aspects be investigated by the County Attorney.

On December 3, 2019, Gloucester County joined many other localities in Virginia by declaring Gloucester a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary as our tyrannical Commonwealth government prepared to enact several Un-Constitutional “gun control” laws and mandates. Supervisor Bazzani’s current motivation is pushing back on the Un-Constitutional “gun control” laws and mandates that are now coming from the federal government.

I encourage the other members of the Board of Supervisors, our Sheriff’s Department, and every pro-2nd Amendment person in the County to support Supervisor Bazzani’s request and join with him in establishing every 2nd Amendment protection possible. I also encourage other Counties, Cities and Towns across the Commonwealth and Nation to do the same.

Below is a SlideShare presentation of Newton County, Missouri’s "Second Amendment Preservation Act", and a link to Supervisor Bazzani’s comments during the April 6th Board of Supervisors meeting.

Spread the word, and remember, United We Stand, Divided We Fall.

Written By: Kenny Hogge, Sr.

Link to Supervisor Bazzani’s comments during the April 6th Board of Supervisors meeting.

SlideShare presentation of Newton County, Missouri’s "Second Amendment Preservation Act"

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

What Is The Militia And How Can It Save Our 2nd Amendment Rights?

(By:  Chuck Thompson)
What is the Militia and how can it save our 2nd Amendment rights?  The militia folks is a Constitutionally authorized part of "We The People", and the power and or force behind "We The People", in regards to our government.  It is meant to be our first line of home defense.  When I say home defense it includes your actual household and all members therein, but is meant to include local communities and even our state which we live in.

  There are 4 militia clauses found in the United States Constitution as well as in just about every state constitution.  Right now, main stream media either through ignorance or an act of the poison pen and propaganda is working overtime to discredit the militia by calling Anarchists and or paramilitary operations militias.  There is very clearly some serious differences here.  Militias properly structured and run according to the laws of these United States and each of the several states is fully legal and or lawful.  Paramilitary organizations follow whatever laws they create or no laws at all.  The militia is not about violence.  It is about defending against violence and unlawful disorder.  So let's stop confusing the two.  They look similar until you break them down and look at the structure.

  The militia upholds the Constitution and the common law.  It protects and is the power behind "We The People".  It's members who decide to register as active unorganized militia, will be working with the local sheriff's offices throughout the nation.  Paramilitary are not structured like that.  To put it simply, "We The People are the authority of a Constitutional Government.  The Militia, composed of "We The People" are the power or force behind that authority.  It's government by consent as it should be.  It's what we have failed to uphold and let slip away over the past 175 years.  It's time to bring it back.  Militias are forming throughout the Commonwealth and there are other militias that have already been here.  There are also paramilitary organizations throughout the Commonwealth and more of them forming as well.  You will want to know the difference. 

  A new organization known as the National Militia Alliance has been formed and is partnered with the National Liberty Alliance to help folks either create or become members of local militias throughout the Commonwealth as well as throughout the nation.  The NMA is not in charge of any militia in any area but instead is a central location to help people receive the proper training, education, communications and networking needed to be in compliance with the Constitution of these United States of America and of each state.  There is no fee to register or for most of the education, training communications or assistance in starting or becoming members of the militia in any area of these United States of America.  Click the link provided to register now.

The Many Lies of Governor Ralph Northam and The Latest Breach of More Laws

(By:  Chuck Thompson)
Governor Ralph Northam has declared a state of emergency for this coming Monday where he says guns to be outlawed from the grounds around the Capitol building due to supposed threats seen on Facebook.  Here is a serious problem folks, he wants to ban guns from the grounds of the Capitol building yet he does not have that right.  In fact, he is breaking the law of the Commonwealth even trying to declare such.  HB 20 sponsored by Delegates Mike Watson and Tony Wilt, stating the following; "Emergency services and disasters; constitutional rights, Provides that nothing in the Emergency Services and Disaster Law shall be interpreted to limit or prohibit the otherwise lawful possession, carrying, transportation, sale, or transfer of firearms".  that law passed in 2012 under governor McDonnell who signed it into law.

  So we have a real dilemma here folks.  Either the present Governor is ignorant of the law, or he just does not care what the law says.  Now let's address his argument for trying to pull this illegal bluff off.  He states that there is intel that "Militia plan on storming the Capitol on Monday the 20th, VCDL's lobby day.  That folks is a lie.  No militia is planning that anywhere.  Paramilitary or more like Anarchists have in fact stated that they do have these plans.  I knew about them weeks ago.  But to claim "Militia are planning this is a purposely deceitful propaganda ploy as there are a number of Constitutionally planned militia in the making which scares the hell out of the democrats, because the militia will not follow any orders that are unconstitutional such as red flag laws, and the like.  The left are trying to create a bad impression of the coming Militia because it stops their plans to disarm law abiding citizens against the constitution of both Virginia and of these United States of America.  It's what we call using the poison pen to undermine sound ideas.

  Now what further should concern everyone is the idea that the actions are construed as so grievous by so many as to why anyone would even consider violence against the Commonwealth legislators.  Could it possibly be due to the fact that the democrats are violating their oaths of office?  Democrats breaking the supreme law of the land both with the Virginia Constitution as well as the Constitution of these United States of America?  Attempting to tear down and destroy each and every aspect of the Bill of Rights?  The Bill of Rights which are not rights granted "We The People", by government, but instead by God and only an extra layer of protection for "We The People" in the event of a tyrannical government?

  It's beyond disturbing that anyone could think that destroying the Bill of Rights will protect anyone except a corrupt government.  We are seeing democratic legislators spitting in the face of every Virginian and lying all along the way while doing so trying to convince the ignorant that they want to take away your rights to keep you safe.

  It was laughable when one person stood before the democratic lead committee the other day and was given unlimited time to tell the committee that he was from Fairfax county and that 80% of the people in Virginia, later corrected to 80% of the people in Fairfax county supported gun control.  Can someone show me where even 80% of the population in Fairfax speaks English?  Can anyone even show me where 20% of Fairfax even speaks English?  It was highly dishonest and the Democrats went along with it because it supported their cause.  Never mind that most of the people that spoke that morning were dead set against the stripping "We The People" of our rights.

  A serious problem we now face here in the Commonwealth is how do you trust a government that lies, and breaks the laws in order to put forth their own agenda?  Where is law?  Democrats are actually creating a precedence for lawless government. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Gloucester County, Va. Is Now A 2nd Amendment Sanctuary

On December 3, 2019, the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors, after some grandstanded for the cameras and crowd, voted Unanimously to add the County to the ever-growing list of 2nd Amendment Sanctuaries in Virginia and across the nation.

Several hundred people filled the Old Courthouse and Court Circle, with some speaking mostly in favor of protecting our 2nd Amendment Rights.

Gloucester’s Resolution to become a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary, like most other Resolutions in other places, is more symbolic than defiant of Un-Constitutional infringements of the People’s rights. Hopefully symbolism will be enough to peacefully curtail the intentions of the Democrats now in control of our beloved Commonwealth.

Not only do they intend to pass Un-Constitutional gun laws, they also fully intend to ease voter requirements by not requiring identification to vote, allow non-citizens to vote and other such Un-Constitutional measures.

They also intend to flood Virginia with more so-called refugees. In fact, our DemonRat Governor sent a letter to Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, asking that more refugees be sent to Virginia to settle.

We The People must peacefully standup against the tyranny our Democratic controlled government intends to inflict upon us. The only way to do this is through numbers. Millions of people who are currently standing up against the infringement of our 2nd Amendment Rights typically do not vote. However, they are standing up to defend our Constitutional Rights. When those numbers are added to the voters who support our Constitution, it is a huge statement. The momentum gathered in the 2nd Amendment Sanctuary movement should also be used to stop some of the Democrat’s other Un-Constitutional intentions. It should also be used to encourage non-voters to become voters.

On December 20, 2019, members of the 2nd Amendment Sanctuary movement will travel to Richmond for VCDL Lobby Day. For more information click here and here. Join the movement and be there to help protect our Constitutional Rights.
Thank You Patriots, for protecting our God Given and Constitutional Rights. A special Thank You to Mr. Mark Thompson, for bring the community together.

God Bless and Long Live The Republic!!

Kenny Hogge, Sr.

Some images from the December 3, 2019 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Meeting.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Gloucester Board Of Supervisors To Consider 2nd Ammendment Rights

BORROWED FROM MARK THOMPSON - "I've just been told in the Pol group, that the agenda (will be confirmed next week) for the December 3rd Gloucester County BOS meeting, will contain a resolution for our county to declare itself a second amendment sanctuary.

All those who care about their rights to keep and carry their legally owned firearms should attend and make their position known.

Between the armed robbery at the point today, and the draconian bills that were pre-filed today in the VA General Assembly, this is an important issue to us in our county.

Inform yourself using the VA LIS, and please plan to attend if you have something to say. The bills are self-explanatory. As written, the "assault weapons ban" reclassifies nearly every commonly owned defensive handgun as an assault weapon, and bans either the firearm, the magazines for it, or both.

This is nothing more than an assault on law abiding gun owners, and chp holders who purchased and have carried their arms legally for years. This bill in particular does absolutely nothing for "safety" and is punishment, for those who do not agree with, or have a different culture than those who now hold the gavel in Richmond.

Be there. Let your voice be heard. Stand in defiance of assault on the constitution of VA, the US, and on law abiding good people.

December 3rd, at 6:30 PM, at the old Courthouse in the traffic circle. The agenda should be confirmed next week.

Join us and send a message that Gloucester citizens will not be pushed over."

Friday, August 29, 2014

Gloucester, VA Illegal Park Regulations Violating 2nd Amendment Rights?

Unauthorized Persons Shall NOT Carry Concealed Weapons, Nor Shall They Have On Or About Their Person, Dangerous Or Deadly Weapons.

Can anyone say 2nd Amendment Violation here?  One question is who is an authorized person?  Only certain specific law enforcement?  Certain military as well?  All others even if you have a concealed weapons permit are not authorized?  The term is way to vague.  The rest also means open carry is a county violation?  That's what one attorney we contacted seems to believe.  Stick around for the rest of this story coming soon as it should prove to get very interesting.

  This sign is at the Gloucester Point Beach.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

God And Gun Control - What You Might Not Know

For Christians wondering about what faith says about gun control, well we thought we would share his words with you and allow you to see for yourself.  

Luke 22:35-38

35 Then Jesus asked them, “When I sent you without purse, bag or sandals, did you lack anything?”
“Nothing,” they answered.
36 He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. 37 It is written: ‘And he was numbered with the transgressors’[a];and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me. Yes, what is written about me is reaching its fulfillment.”
38 The disciples said, “See, Lord, here are two swords.”
“That’s enough!” he replied.

For those seeking to destroy 2nd Amendment rights?  Not a good idea.  For even God tells us to maintain our weapons.  For those wishing to argue this on the level that he was talking about a sword?  That was the weapon of mass destruction in those days.  They did not have guns.  If they had guns, then Jesus would have told them to buy and hide their guns.  In other words, for those seeking to control the masses against the wishes of the masses?  Not happening.

Second Amendment:  "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

What is it that those seeking to steal rights do not understand about the above rights?  The language is very simple and straight forward, so it is clear that those seeking to control guns are seeking to infringe on our rights and take those rights away for their own self interest and also in violation of God's law.  

"The United States Constitution was written for a Christian People and will serve no other."  John Adams  
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