Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Gloucester, Virginia Animal Control Still Abusing The Taxpayers

For the past 6 weeks we have been reporting abuses to the taxpayers and the people of Gloucester, Virginia as Laura Dickie of Animal Control has been using a taxpayer owned county vehicle for personal use by going out to breakfast each morning while in uniform and therefore considered to be on duty getting paid for such.  

  We have no problems with people eating.  Everyone needs to eat.  What we have a problem with is the violation to county employment rules of conduct where employees are not to use county vehicles for personal use as well as state codes, federal laws and IRS codes that also state the same.  According to county employment rules, employees get a 15 minute break as well as a lunch break.  These do not include using taxpayer owned vehicles for personal use to go to the local restaurants, fast food places, quick stop markets, shopping centers and the like while on break or for lunch.  The employee rules are very clear on this.  

  What we also have an issue with is that Animal Control deputies are supposed to exhibit higher levels of conduct since they are charged with enforcing certain, yet restricted, legal ordinances or codes.  (Color of Law).  It becomes a serious issue of concern when you have someone who is supposed to exhibit these higher levels of conduct but instead keeps repeatedly violating these very simple basic rules.  How can we trust these people?  Or can we?  Below are some of the many pictures we have taken showing these violations to the taxpayers of Gloucester County, Virginia.  And this is minor on what goes on here.

And how much is this costing us all?  This woman is supposed to be setting an example?

Gloucester, Virginia More Retaliation Against Us From Officials (Part One)

Gloucester County officials continue their retaliation against us for daring to challenge what we see as their illegal ordinances.  In November, while we were arguing 3-18 animal control ordinance, showing that it has no match in state code, they had one of the people in our group arrested for, well, we don't really know what.

For those of you who remember the front page of the newspaper, Glo Quips or the story we had in the Gloucester Mathews Gazette Journal, we argued about the legality of the ordinance 3-18.  We had 3-18 overturned and taken off the books, or so we thought, but to this day, the ordinance remains on the books of Gloucester County.  So it looks like officials have lied to us all yet again.


The above is one of the documents from Laura Fielder Crews who was arrested just after we left the Board of Supervisors meeting on November 5th, 2014.  To this day, none of us including Laura's attorney of record, understand these charges.  We understand the wording, but not the charges or why the charges are made.  They were made by Steve Baranek of Animal Control against LAURA FIELDER CREWS.  Who is LAURA FIELDER CREWS?  We know who Laura Fielder Crews is but have no idea who LAURA FIELDER CREWS is.  

  But that is still not the issue.  This is some sort of Grand Jury indictment.  So the information we are told can be withheld against the accused?  How does that work?  It's a complete violation of the American Justice System as it was laid out in the US Constitution.  (Yes, we know, the US Constitution no longer applies, or if properly argued, yes it does).  The US Constitution still applies to the people it just does not apply to legal fictions and some citizens.  

  We know this is in retaliation to all of the complaints we make on this site against Animal Control of Gloucester, Virginia.  This is what you can expect when you constantly speak out against what has all the appearance of corrupt government.  They figure out ways to put charges against someone within your organization and have them arrested as a warning.  Well we did not get that message to well.  

  The reason we have not been doing to much news on this site is because we have been doing a lot of research on the laws and what rights we the people actually have as well as what is really going on in the courts these days.

  Speaking of the courts, while we have been in the courts twice now because of this, we have seen first hand, that the courts here in Virginia, are run under Admiralty.  So we have quickly discovered that the 9th District Circuit Court is a court of Admiralty even though we are not at sea.  Two dead giveaways.  One, are the flags in the court.  They have gold Trim which are signs of Admiralty and also when the Bailiff was announcing the judge entering the chamber, he stated that the Judge is On Board.  That means you are in a court of Admiralty.

  You can not be charged in a court of Admiralty if you do not have some type of international contract that you are in fact a party to and also agreed to.  The courts do not want you to ever understand this however.  If you did know this, then you would also know how to get out of the charges against you.  So don't tell anyone about this.

  It's also why you do not have Constitutional rights in that court.  Admiralty is a court of the sea and the Constitution does not apply at sea.  Have we been duped?  Sure we have.  It's how they get over on you.  Time to put a stop to all of that now however.  Over the coming months we are going to show you ways to combat this corruption.

  This is only one tiny part of the overall battle.  There are a lot of parts to all of this and we are going to be covering a great deal of it.  We have to thank Animal Control for forcing us to learn all of this however.  And what we have learned will be able to help a great deal of people facing the courts in the future as well as in the present.  It has also shown us how to now turn everything against them.

  Watch for future stories as we show you the meaning of words used in the courts and in the Virginia courts.  These words do not mean what you think they mean.  Words such as person, individual, owner, all have meanings that are not at all what you think that they mean and we have the evidence for this.

  Now please keep in mind that we are not attorneys and can not give legal advice nor would we want to.  We prefer law to the legal system.  The legal system in our opinion is nothing but the color of law and has no real meaning.  It's a fiction.  A complete illusion that is corrupt and detrimental to the people.  It's why you never win in court.  You do not understand the rules they created.  Words you think mean one thing, mean something different than what you ever thought.  They are not speaking English as you understand it.  They also love to use confusion.

  What we keep reminding the officials of the county is that their employees are agents of them.  The actions of employees is no different than the actions of each one of them.  This is part one of a multi part story about how the county is retaliating against us for speaking out against what we see as continuing violations to our rights and freedoms.  The retaliation is our opinion of what is going on here, and if they can show evidence that it is not, we will be happy to share that information with everyone.  We have asked them that question already and they have refused to answer it.  What does that tell you.

Gloucester, VA Public Schools: ACLU Counter Complaint Filings

How many people are just sick to death of reading and hearing about the Gavin Grimm story?  The girl who claims to be a boy?  Sorry, the girl is a girl.  We don't care what medical excuses the parents and so called medical profession or the sickos at the ACLU want to call it.  Gavin Grimm is a biological female.

  This is nothing more than a plant for creating a very sick and perverted societal change that infringes on the inherent rights of the people.  We could care less about the civil rights claims of this girl as they hold no weight against the unalienable rights of the people and because of this we are in the process of filing multiple counter claims against the ACLU complaint already filed.

  At present we have 6 signed  counter complaints now going to the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division with mandates from the people to have the ACLU complaint thrown out as well as have Gloucester County Public Schools not even supply any form of alternative bathroom for this girl.  If she needs to use a bathroom, she will just have to use the girls room, like it or not.

  Otherwise she can just hold it.  We do not care.  If you would like to file a counter complaint, we have already created the document for you.  All you have to do is copy what we post below and make a few changes to the document below.  Just paste the following into any word processor software on your computer.  If you do not have one, download a free version of open office.  It's excellent.

(Your Name Here): In Propria Persona
One of the People of Gloucester, Virginia
(Your Address Here)
(Your Area),Virginia (23062)

December 25th, 2014

Educational Opportunities Section
U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Educational Opportunities Section, PHB
Washington, D.C. 20530

To Whom It May Concern;

   I, (Your Name Here) , am one of the people of Gloucester County, Virginia and come before you In Propria Persona, and am filing a counter complaint to the recent ACLU complaint filed with this office on December 18th, 2014 to which the ACLU creates it's opening complaint as follows:

“a complaint against Gloucester County Public Schools (“GCPS”) on behalf of Gavin Grimm. On December 9, 2014, the Gloucester County Public School
Board (the “School Board”) adopted a policy stating that the use of boys’ and girls’ restroom and locker rooms “shall be limited to the corresponding biological genders, and students with sincere gender identity issues shall be provided an alternative private facility.” Gavin, who is a tenth-grade student at Gloucester High School and a transgender boy, had been using the boys’ restroom facilities at school without any complaints from peers, prior to the adoption of this policy. GCPS adopted its “biological gender” policy in direct response to Gavin in order to prevent him from continuing to use boys’ facilities. The “biological gender” policy on its face and as applied to Gavin discriminates against Gavin on the basis of his sex in violation of Title DC of the Educational Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. § 168 1(a) (“Title IX”).”

My response to the above is that the ACLU has no grounds for argument here as any argument they present are in violation of the inherent rights of the people of Gloucester, Virginia. The inherent rights of the people supersede any civil rights complaints at every level and the people mandate that we do not consent to these complaints. Under the Constitution of the United States and the State of Virginia, it is the people who are the power and authority of government and that it is we who make the laws. As such we mandate that this agency before us throw out the entire complaint of the ACLU as having no weight against the wishes of the people.

We further mandate that the Gloucester County, Virginia Public Schools do not even create a segregated bathroom for the said person above and that the said person, being one Gavin Grimm, born of female persuasion, only be permitted to use a bathroom fitting her gender, being that of the female.

SEAL: (Your Name Here)                                              Notary Public:
In Propria Persona


Do not change the wording on any part of the document or you could mess up the meaning of it.  There are certain legal words used in here that are used by design to mean a very specific purpose.  For instance, In Propria Persona means that you are flesh and blood, not a fictitious entity and that you stand in the proper person.  That makes you one of the people.  Keep the zip code in ( ) as it separates a legal definition for federal zone.

  If you have no problems with what the ACLU is doing, then do nothing.  Let the ACLU handle the situation for you.  In the mean time, the rest of us are going to knock the ACLU out of the ball park and bury them.  Each suit they file in this matter will result in multiple counter suits filed against them.  

  We are not doing this for county officials, they messed all of this up big time.  We are doing it because it is a violation of our inherent rights and we will not tolerate such.  We will not tolerate the sick vulgar perverts at the ACLU that think it's just fine for girls to use the boys bathroom at their pleasure. 

Again, please feel free to copy the counter complaint above and send it to the address listed.  Each counter complaint lets the ACLU know that we will not tolerate abuses to our inherent rights.  No one else will tell you how to fight this.  But we will show you exactly how it is done and invite you to help.  You can make a difference.  Do Not Bury Your Head In The Sand!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

DUI - What To Do If Stopped For DUI

We do not fully agree with this guy, but his initial advice is good.  Now let's look at some other areas as well.

Now there are some supposed gimmicks to beating a breathalyzer, one being peanut butter and another being vinegar and the last one being put a penny in your mouth.  These do not beat a blood test.  Now are blood tests legal?  Well, even though you may be told they are, chances are pretty good they are not.  Blood tests can be used legally against government employees, government contracting employees and citizens.  They are not legal against the people however.

  I would not want to bet on taking a breathalyzer using any of the above methods and would not take that test anyway for the obvious stated reasons.  Best way to avoid a DUI is not drink and drive in the first place.  Innocent people will get into trouble here though and this is why we are putting up this information as well as the fact that people do need to know your rights.  With the holidays being in full blast, police stops are far more frequent and what we consider illegal road blocks by policing agencies, more people will have their rights violated.

  No one has ever been able to show that the police have a right to create random road blocks and question any person who comes toward them.  They have the guns however, so you must exercise your rights with caution.  Know what you can do and keep yourself safe as well as them.

Don't Talk To Police: Know Your Rights

Straight from Virginia Beach, you have to love these folks.  This is a law university professor speaking to his students and has a special investigator with him, giving equal time, and they both agree, never talk to the cops.  Plead the 5th at all times no matter what the circumstances.  Why?  Anything you say can be twisted and used against you.  You are never required at any time to testify against yourself which also includes giving your name or ID to the police, even during a traffic stop.

  Now we know this is going to anger law enforcement, but it goes to show, we do have rights and even Judges are now agreeing with this information.

  It is not our intention to give law enforcement a headache, these folks are out there doing a very tough job.  Many of these folks would risk their lives to try and save yours.  That deserves a lot of respect.  I do not envy anyone in law enforcement these days as they are being taught that the people are the enemy and how to prey on the people, taking away the rights of the people.

  Don't fight with them.  Don't give away your rights either.  Try to keep the conversation as calm as possible for both your safety and theirs.  They are only trying to do their job, but their training is pitted against you.  It isn't their fault.
They are playing Judge Dredd and they are holding court with you on the spot, but that is what they are told they must do.  So you must know your rights and how to handle the situation.   Should you get arrested, we will cover that in later segments on this site.  We will show you how to fight back there as well.

Governor McAuliffe Announces New Work Readiness Modules Offered Through SkillsOnline

~ Modules to help workers get training to succeed in 21st century Virginia economy~ 

Governor Terry McAuliffe announced today the public launch of the new work readiness modules offered through SkillsOnline at a meeting hosted by the Peninsula Council for Workforce Development. Working with subject matter experts, WHRO is using instructional and online course development expertise to create the first five of 21 work readiness courses identified by the University of Virginia’s Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service as those needed by employees for career entry and advancement.  They include: (1) Applied Mathematics, (2) Reading for Information, (3) Locating Information, (4) Internet Use and Safety-Digital Citizenship, and (5) Understanding Health, Wellness and Safety.  These courses will be available through SkillsOnline and other venues free of charge by spring of 2015. These modules are partially funded by grants from the Hampton Roads’ Community Foundation and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting through the American Graduate program. Additional funding is being sought from foundations and other private sources to produce the remaining courses and collateral materials.

Speaking about today’s announcement, Governor McAuliffe said, “Workforce development is a key component for creating a new Virginia economy.  The work readiness modules are an example of the public-private partnership that is increasing access for Virginians to workforce training, will help employers put more Virginians to work, and will provide no-cost resources for educators and local government training providers.”

WHRO intends to make these career readiness modules freely available to every Workforce Investment Board, social services agency, K-12 school, community college, and employer in the Commonwealth to use in an instructor-led blended learning environment. Additionally, course content will be distributed through eMediaVa(SM), which WHRO operates through a contract with the Virginia Department of Education and serves more than 145,000 Virginia teachers in public, private and home schools across the state.

“Talent development is critical for catalyzing economic growth in the Commonwealth,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Maurice Jones.  “WHRO’s career readiness modules are an important tool for students of all ages to get access to the skills they need to succeed in careers of the 21st century.”

In partnership with four southeastern Virginia community colleges, including Thomas Nelson Community College, Paul D. Camp Community College, Eastern Shore Community College and Rappahannock Community College, the work readiness modules will be offered primarily through the new SkillsOnline portal created by WHRO. SkillsOnline is WHRO’s new professional development and workforce training portal that offers nearly 3,500 courses that are affordably priced in 19 different industry categories. 

“WHRO Public Media is experienced in creating engaging online learning courses currently used by pre-K to grade 12 teachers and students across Virginia for free, funded by the Virginia Department of Education,” said Bert Schmidt, President and CEO of WHRO. “We are a non-profit organization owned by the 19 school divisions of southeastern Virginia and use our broadcast and production facilities to create engaging modules which capture and hold the attention of today’s online media savvy students.”