Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Jack The Pirate, Opusvertigo - Free Mp3 Song of the day

Jack the Pirate by Opusvertigo.  If you like this track, please feel free to download a copy from the container above.  It's the little red round dot in the middle of the container for the free downloads.  Great instrumental tune and at a price you can not beat.  Free.  Enjoy.
English: The pirate flag of Jack Rackham (1682...
English: The pirate flag of Jack Rackham (1682 - 1720) Deutsch: Die Piratenflagge von Jack Rackham (1682 - 1720) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Eugenics and Other Evils

George Bernard Shaw
George Bernard Shaw (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I publish these essays at the present time for a particular reason connected with the present situation; a reason which I should like briefly to emphasise and make clear.
Though most of the conclusions, especially towards the end, are conceived with reference to recent events, the actual bulk of preliminary notes about the science of Eugenics were written before the war. It was a time when this theme was the topic of the hour; when eugenic babies (not visibly very distinguishable from other babies) sprawled all over the illustrated papers; when the evolutionary fancy of Nietzsche was the new cry among the intellectuals; and when Mr. Bernard Shaw and others were considering the idea that to breed a man like a cart-horse was the true way to attain that higher civilisation, of intellectual magnanimity and sympathetic insight, which may be found in cart-horses. It may therefore appear that I took the opinion too controversially, and it seems to me that I sometimes took it too seriously. But the criticism of Eugenics soon expanded of itself into a more general criticism of a modern craze for scientific officialism and strict social organisation.
And then the hour came when I felt, not without relief, that I might well fling all my notes into the fire. The fire was a very big one, and was burning up bigger things than such pedantic quackeries. And, anyhow, the issue itself was being settled in a very different style. Scientific officialism and organisation in the State which had specialised in them, had gone to war with the older culture of Christendom. Either Prussianism would win and the protest would be hopeless, or Prussianism would lose and the protest would be needless. As the war advanced from poison gas to piracy against neutrals, it grew more and more plain that the scientifically organised State was not increasing in popularity. Whatever happened, no Englishmen would ever again go nosing round the stinks of that low laboratory. So I thought all I had written irrelevant, and put it out of my mind.
I am greatly grieved to say that it is not irrelevant. It has gradually grown apparent, to my astounded gaze, that the ruling classes in England are still proceeding on the assumption that Prussia is a pattern for the whole world. If parts of my book are nearly nine years old, most of their principles and proceedings are a great deal older. They can offer us nothing but the same stuffy science, the same bullying bureaucracy and the same terrorism by tenth-rate professors that have led the German Empire to its recent conspicuous triumph. For that reason, three years after the war with Prussia, I collect and publish these papers.

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Shrimp Creole - Recipe Of The Day

English: Shrimp Creole
English: Shrimp Creole (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Take three pints of unshelled shrimps and shell them, one-half pint of cream, two tablespoonfuls of butter, two tablespoonfuls of flour, two tablespoonfuls of catsup, one wine glass of sherry, paprika, chili powder and parsley. Brown the flour in the butter and add the milk until it is thickened. Color with the catsup and season with paprika and chili powder. Stir in the sherry and make a pink cream which is to be mixed through the shrimps and not cooked. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve with squares of toast or crackers.

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Liberty's Kids 2, The Intolerable Act - Battle of the Hook Pre Launch

We are once again hosting the entire Liberty's kids video series as part of our celebration pre launch to the upcoming Gloucester, Virginia Battle of the Hook re enactment.  This is something history buffs who can afford the time off and able to travel will not want to miss as there has never been a battle reenactment like the one coming up.  With 20 ships expected for sea battles, 1,500 soldiers, 20 to 35 horses for cavalry battles, an incredible amount of ammunition already committed to the event, nowhere else has a reenactment of such grand scale ever been produced.  Gloucester is only about a 30 minute drive from Williamsburg, a jump across the bridge from Yorktown, about 1 hour from Richmond and about 4 hours from Washington, DC.

 Warren Deal who is one of the members of the planning committee has been doing an outstanding job on this living history project as has everyone else who has been working hard at getting the entire project to full fruition.  Mr Deal has been one of Gloucester's most outspoken and best historians of the area and greatly appreciated.

Battle of the Hook from Chuck Thompson

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Anti Federalist Papers No 8 Suppressing Insurrections

By the Articles of Confederation, the congress of the United State was vested with powers for conducting the common concerns of the continent. They had the sole and exclusive right and power of determining on peace and war; of sending and receiving ambassadors; of entering into treaties and alliances; and of pointing out the respective quotas of men and men which each state should furnish. But it was expressly provided that the money to be supplied by each state should be raised by the authority and direction of the legislature thereof-- thus reserving to the states the important privilege of levying taxes upon their citizens in such manner as might be most conformable to their peculiar circumstances and form of government.

  Read the rest in the SlideShare container below.

Anti Federalist Papers No 8 - Suppressing Insurrections from Chuck Thompson

To read the full Anti Federalist Papers No. 8 above, just left click the icon on the far right bottom of the SlideShare container.  This will open the document into full screen mode.  To exit full screen mode, just hit the escape key on your keyboard.  Free downloads are available on this document from our SlideShare site.  Liberty Education Series.
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Gloucester, VA Officials Dupe Taxpayers With Simple Shell Game Trick

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The first video shows Gloucester, Virginia officials discussing the new school bond issues.  The second video shows what they have really done.  Think we are kidding?

 Let's expose the trick they pulled on everyone last night.

Issue:  School board needs money to pay for school building repairs.  Sounds legitimate right?

Trick: school board had the money for those repairs, spent the money on closing down a school they said we didn't need and took the money for needed repairs and spent it on converting school to new office space for themselves. Now they need that money back for repairs to existing schools. It's like taking money needed for a home repair and spending it on a cool Rolls Royce and still needing the money for the home repairs.

You no longer have the money for the repairs, but you still need the money for repairs, but hey, at least you have one of the coolest cars on the road.
Issue: School board needs money to build new school.
Trick:  Again, they closed another school they said we didn't need and turned it into office space they didn't need.  Talk was already brought up of potentially closing yet another school.  But we still need this new school in the swamp.

Issue:   New school being built on swamp.

Trick:  Local attorney owns over one thousand acres of land across the street from where new school is to be built.  Bet he figures that now is a ripe time to start developing that one thousand acres across from school for new housing in prime location that was not so prime before.

  Sound reason to not build school in old location, not a benefit to local attorney with deep pockets and plenty of influence. The shell game has been well played and now the taxpayer gets to foot the bill because you did not keep your eye on the pea.  It's not about the children and their education as the officials would have you think.

That's the trick.  It's about growing government, growing personal positions within government, and charging the taxpayers for the growth and playing to special interests.  And now you know.
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Gloucester, VA Officials Honor Animal Cruelty Criminal?

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It's a sad day when you see something like this.  The chair of the Gloucester County, Virginia Board of Supervisor's, Louise Theberge, honoring a person whom we had just shown to be one of Gloucester County's biggest criminals in our view.  A person who was responsible for protecting animals in Gloucester but has been shown to actually be abusing animals in a very cruel and inhumane manner, according to Gloucester County Animal Control Ordinances, as shown in a previous post prior to this meeting, which we know the Board of Supervisors saw before this meeting, as we sent them the post link as well as a PDF version of the story.  The post based on Gloucester Animal Control's own laws and pictures showing how they do not follow their own codes.

  What next?  Why not just open all the jail cell doors and let all the other criminals out and give them all county government jobs with letters of recognition for their contributions to the community?  Actually, when you see this kind of behavior, you have to wonder if the criminals in the jails are criminals or just people who got sucker punched by a corrupt system?  This is what you see in a dictatorship.  Does Louise Theberge consider herself a dictator?  It looks that way.

Here is the PDF version of the story sent to a large list of Gloucester and other government officials a day before this meeting.

The above PDF file is 9 pages long.  To read the story in full screen mode, just left click the icon at the very bottom right hand side of the SlideShare container.  To escape full screen mode, just hit your escape key on your keyboard.

But then again, these are the same people who allow their employees to run all over the county, in government vehicles, using those vehicles for personal use against county policy and all at taxpayer expenses.  And of course during this board meeting, you see how these same people could care less about raising your taxes save a few minor arguments.  Someone has to fund all of this nonsense.  Since it's our tax dollars, can anyone just call the county and get a ride to wherever they need to go?  A taxi service since that is what county employees are already doing anyway?  Seems fair to us if they are going to continue to abuse the system at every turn.
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