Saturday, September 7, 2013

Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man, Free Ebook

Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man from Chuck Thompson

During the successive reprints of the first edition of this work, published in 1871, I was able to introduce several important corrections; and now that more time has elapsed, I have endeavoured to profit by the fiery ordeal through which the book has passed, and have taken advantage of all the criticisms which seem to me sound. I am also greatly indebted to a large number of correspondents for the communication of a surprising number of new facts and remarks. These have been so numerous, that I have been able to use only the more important ones; and of these, as well as of the more important corrections, I will append a list. Some new illustrations have been introduced, and four of the old drawings have been replaced by better ones, done from life by Mr. T.W. Wood.

 I must especially call attention to some observations which I owe to the kindness of Prof. Huxley (given as a supplement at the end of Part I.), on the nature of the differences between the brains of man and the higher apes. I have been particularly glad to give these observations, because during the last few years several memoirs on the subject have appeared on the Continent, and their importance has been, in some cases, greatly exaggerated by popular writers.
I may take this opportunity of remarking that my critics frequently assume that I attribute all changes of corporeal structure and mental power exclusively to the natural selection of such variations as are often called spontaneous; whereas, even in the first edition of the 'Origin of Species,' I distinctly stated that great weight must be attributed to the inherited effects of use and disuse, with respect both to the body and mind. I also attributed some amount of modification to the direct and prolonged action of changed conditions of life.

 Some allowance, too, must be made for occasional reversions of structure; nor must we forget what I have called "correlated" growth, meaning, thereby, that various parts of the organisation are in some unknown manner so connected, that when one part varies, so do others; and if variations in the one are accumulated by selection, other parts will be modified. Again, it has been said by several critics, that when I found that many details of structure in man could not be explained through natural selection, I invented sexual selection; I gave, however, a tolerably clear sketch of this principle in the first edition of the 'Origin of Species,' and I there stated that it was applicable to man.

 This subject of sexual selection has been treated at full length in the present work, simply because an opportunity was here first afforded me. I have been struck with the likeness of many of the half-favourable criticisms on sexual selection, with those which appeared at first on natural selection; such as, that it would explain some few details, but certainly was not applicable to the extent to which I have employed it. My conviction of the power of sexual selection remains unshaken; but it is probable, or almost certain, that several of my conclusions will hereafter be found erroneous; this can hardly fail to be the case in the first treatment of a subject. When naturalists have become familiar with the idea of sexual selection, it will, as I believe, be much more largely accepted; and it has already been fully and favourably received by several capable judges.

September, 1874.

Read the entire text in the above Slideshare container.  To open into full screen, left click the icon at the far bottom right hand side of the container.  To exit full screen, hit the escape key on your keyboard.  For the free download, please log into our Slideshare account with either your Facebook account or LinkedIn account.  If you have neither, you can set up a free account on Slideshare.  We have seen people do this and never upload a single thing.  They use it just to download content they want.  It's a great place to explore content.
Charles Darwin. 1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in....
Charles Darwin. 1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller. From a photograph by Elliott & Fry. According to Gene Kritsky, maintainer of an archive of Darwin photographs, this was from a photography session at Darwin's home, Down House, and on another photograph from that session Darwin wrote "1879" on the back. It was later widely sold and distributed on heavy card stock by Elliott & Fry, with a caption dating it "Circa 1880". It was later reproduced in a wide range of Darwiniana. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Jazz Friends 2013 - Free Album Download

2013 album, Jazz Friends.  10 songs total.  Play the songs and download what you like or download them all.  That little round blue button you see on the right hand side next to each song is your dowload icon.  The price is right.  It's free, or you can send us some ecash if it makes you more comfortable.  (See our contest for more information on ecash).  We always mix up the offers.  Not everyone likes heavy metal, or jazz, or blues or classical music or funk, or hip hop or pop, so we try to cover something for all our friends around the world.

  Enjoy.  If this is not your taste, come back, we will eventually have your taste covered.
My friend
My friend (Photo credit: Scarleth White)
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One Thousand Dollar Contest Giveaway, Gloucester, Virginia Links and News

Congratulations, you won.  Here is your very own one thousand dollars.  Now do not go spending this all in one place or all at one time.  But by all means, get something nice for yourself.  What can you do with this?  Start your own eBank, send it out as a donation to your favorite charity or politician.  Pay online bills with it.  Bribe people with it.  Start your own ecommerce site.  Send it to friends as a birthday present.  We are sure you can think of plenty of other clever things to do with it as well.

  Not many people have ever seen a one thousand dollar bill.  You can get them, but they have to be used for something like a gift and then given back to the bank.  They can not be spent or used in any stores or to buy any goods.  When you give them back to the bank, you exchange it for regular currency.  You do not lose the value, just the daily use.  Besides, how many places can give you change for this?

  What you can not do with this.  It's a digital image, it has no actual value, only a perceived value and as an image, it's very low.  It's here more for fun than anything else.  It's actually our free Art of the day.

  Do not try and print this and use it.  We did not post the back for a very clear reason.  We do not want anyone getting into legal trouble over something meant for fun.  But hey, if you need more than one thousand dollars, make more copies until you have enough cash.  Become an Internet millionaire.  Cool.
Created by Jason Hise with Maya and Macromedia...
Created by Jason Hise with Maya and Macromedia Fireworks. A 3D projection of a 5-cell performing a simple rotation. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Spanish Style Stuffed Chicken - Recipe of the day

Saffron Chicken (827857596)
Saffron Chicken (827857596) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Brown a fat tender chicken in a small amount of lard by turning over and over for a few minutes. Make a dressing of two cups bread crumbs, three tablespoons pulp of sweet green peppers, one cup tomatoes, two tablespoons chopped onion, one-half cup claret, two tablespoons sugar, one-half cup sliced onions, one-half cup seeded raisins, one teaspoon white pepper, and salt to taste. Stuff chicken and bake in closed pan one hour. Make gravy of drippings by adding flour, mushroom sauce and hot water. Pour over chicken.

Here is another version.

Make something extraordinary.
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Liberty's Kids 4 Liberty or Death - Battle of the Hook Pre Show

Anti Federalist Papers No. 9 A Consolidated Government Is A Tyranny

MONTEZUMA," regarded as a Pennsylvanian, wrote this essay which showed up in the Independent Gazetteer on October 17, 1787.

We the Aristocratic party of the United States, lamenting the many inconveniences to which the late confederation subjected the well-born, the better kind of people, bringing them down to the level of the rabble-and holding in utter detestation that frontispiece to every bill of rights, "that all men are born equal"-beg leave (for the purpose of drawing a line between such as we think were ordained to govern, and such as were made to bear the weight of government without having any share in its administration) to submit to our Friends in the first class for their inspection, the following defense of our monarchical, aristocratical democracy.

Anti Federalist Papers No 9 A Consolidated Government is a Tyranny from Chuck Thompson

To read the entire text of this document, please left click the icon at the bottom far right hand side of the Slideshare container.  To exit full screen mode, just hit the escape key on your keyboard.  Free downloads of this document are available on our Slideshare site.  Liberty Education Series here on Gloucester, Virginia Links and News website.  
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Gloucester, VA Board of Supervisors Meeting Video September, 2013

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Here is the Gloucester, Virginia Board of Supervisors meeting video for September, 2013 in full.  We would like to point out one thing that the board does right.  They start their meetings out with a prayer.  We could care less what the lousy lawyers over at the ACLU say or do, this is the proper way to start meetings and we are going to give you some very interesting facts that not even the ACLU lawyers have ever seen before.

  Historically speaking, by starting out public meetings with prayer, you significantly reduce to near eliminating the chance for riots.  You have set the tone for a moral and ethical way that people should conduct themselves.  Now it's not to say that those behind the board seats are going to act morally or ethically, but the tone for the meeting has been set.

  Where prayer has not been allowed, there have been much higher incidences of riots and physical fighting.  It has been shown people are less likely to behave in an unethical manner when a minister is around.  Police, no one cares.  They will fight with the police as fast as with each other.  No one is going to start a fight with a minister though unless that minister is and has shown to be unethical himself.  You have a better chance of maintaining order with a minister in the chambers than with riot police.

  Now a question should be asked, is the ACLU aware of this?  If they are, they are without question unethical and need to be shut down.  If they are not, then this information needs to be shown to them and argued to shut them up on this issue.  Sorry folks, we are taking back our country, you can leave if you do not like it.

  Some other interesting historical facts.  Back in the days of our founding fathers, late 18th century, (That's 1770's and 1780's for those who have no clue), religion was compulsory while education was voluntary.  Today education is compulsory while religion is voluntary.  Today ethics is highly questioned throughout the world, while there is no question that the quality of education is in the toilet.  There are more illiterate adults now than ever before in history percentage wise.  Anyone understand the message here?

  Now of course we keep beating on county officials for what they are doing wrong, in our view, but we must also point out what they are doing right and support those areas and at any cost where need be.  We fully support this area of opening each and every board meeting with prayer and should anyone come along to attack it, we will be there to fight that attack to the fullest extent.

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