Sunday, September 15, 2013

Pink Floyd, Live In Concert, The Classics

Live in Concert for this Sunday is Pink Floyd.  Playing their classics.  Video remastered to HD.  Not many people in the US have ever had the opportunity to see Pink Floyd perform live.  So here is the next best thing.  Sunday concert of the week here on Gloucester, Virginia Links and News website.  Enjoy.
English: Pink Floyd performing at Live 8 in London
English: Pink Floyd performing at Live 8 in London (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Liberty's Kids 13, The First Fourth of July, Battle of the Hook Pre Show

The First Fourth of July, episode 13 in the Liberty's kids video series.  These are the events that led up to the Battle of the Hook that took place just before the siege of Yorktown, Virginia and was a part of that plan.  We initially started running the Liberty's Kids series on the 4th of July of this year, 2013.  We noticed a very serious lack of education many people in our own nation have about our history.  Since then we have been on a mission to try and fill that gap missing in so many people today.

  People outside our country had a better knowledge of our history than many of our own citizens.

The Pre Show.  Coming in October is an event that should not be missed by anyone who can break away for a weekend and travel.  The Battle of the Hook is an American Revolutionary war re enactment to be held here in Gloucester, Virginia.  Details are below.

Paul Revere Press Battle of the Hook from Chuck Thompson

Make plans now to attend this event.  It is free to the public.  
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Popular Rubbish - Harper's Magazine Why Vote?

Talk about a tough article to read.  Has this peron ever picked up a history book?  Or are we just seeing more history being revised?  As we read through the first article, Why Vote?,  we saw so many errors in the first two pages we had to walk away from reading the rest.  We have to explain what we mean here.  When you are seriously studying and researching history, history is not free from religion.  In fact, it is the basis and basics of history for the past 10 thousand years.

  When you try to remove the religious aspects of history, you end up with a very demonized view of events that can not logically be explained unless you are trying to show a demonized view of history and trying to demonize the past.  That is what we saw as the flaws in the above piece.  It is not our objective to shove any form of religious beliefs down anyone's throats.  Man or Woman for that matter have an individual relationship with one's God or higher power.  Your religious views or lack thereof are between you and your higher power.

  We are just pointing out what we see as common flaws that have penetrated the world over the past 100 plus years and gets more insidious with each new decade.  It has demonized the past in ways that have no logic left.  Instead the only conclusion one can have is that the world is evil and always has been so therefore must always be.  A study of the issues of slavery is a prime example.  We will be showing over the coming months that slavery was a religious moral.  It still is a religious moral in many parts of the world.  Failure to understand this is where so many people are lost as to what is really going on.

  The debates over the religious moral of slavery are centuries old.  Was the Civil War in the US over slavery?  You may be surprised that it was more of an issue of religious interpretations of Christianity on the morality of slavery than of slavery itself.  We have been compiling those documents for some time now and have already posted on this site one of the first digital publications of this issue.

  The issue is highly controversial and we are aware of that.  Again, it is not our intention to argue for or against the issues, just to show the true history of the events of the past, because they are no longer being discussed.  This is what happens when you try to remove religion from the world.  The world no longer makes any sense.  Stay tuned, this will get very interesting.
The battle of Gettysburg, Pa. July 3d. 1863, d...
The battle of Gettysburg, Pa. July 3d. 1863, depicting the Battle of Gettysburg, fought July 1—3, 1863. The battle was part of the American Civil War and was won by the North. Hand-colored lithograph by Currier and Ives. EspaƱol: Batalla de Gettysburg Magyar: A gettysburgi csata (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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The Federalist Papers No 14, Objections to the Proposed Constitution From Extent of Territory Answer


To the People of the State of New York:

WE HAVE seen the necessity of the Union, as our bulwark against foreign danger, as the conservator of peace among ourselves, as the guardian of our commerce and other common interests, as the only substitute for those military establishments which have subverted the liberties of the Old World, and as the proper antidote for the diseases of faction, which have proved fatal to other popular governments, and of which alarming symptoms have been betrayed by our own. All that remains, within this branch of our inquiries, is to take notice of an objection that may be drawn from the great extent of country which the Union embraces. A few observations on this subject will be the more proper, as it is perceived that the adversaries of the new Constitution are availing themselves of the prevailing prejudice with regard to the practicable sphere of republican administration, in order to supply, by imaginary difficulties, the want of those solid objections which they endeavor in vain to find.

The error which limits republican government to a narrow district has been unfolded and refuted in preceding papers. I remark here only that it seems to owe its rise and prevalence chiefly to the confounding of a republic with a democracy, applying to the former reasonings drawn from the nature of the latter. The true distinction between these forms was also adverted to on a former occasion. It is, that in a democracy, the people meet and exercise the government in person; in a republic, they assemble and administer it by their representatives and agents. A democracy, consequently, will be confined to a small spot. A republic may be extended over a large region.

To this accidental source of the error may be added the artifice of some celebrated authors, whose writings have had a great share in forming the modern standard of political opinions. Being subjects either of an absolute or limited monarchy, they have endeavored to heighten the advantages, or palliate the evils of those forms, by placing in comparison the vices and defects of the republican, and by citing as specimens of the latter the turbulent democracies of ancient Greece and modern Italy. Under the confusion of names, it has been an easy task to transfer to a republic observations applicable to a democracy only; and among others, the observation that it can never be established but among a small number of people, living within a small compass of territory.

Read the rest below.  Liberty Education Series here on Gloucester, Virginia Links and News website.

Federalist Papers No, 14 - Objections to the Constitution Answered from Chuck Thompson

Go to our Podcast page to hear this in audio format.  We now have the full Federalist Papers in audio format as well as all the Anti Federalist papers in audio format.
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The Virginia Company of London, 1606 to 1624

The Virginia Company of London 1606-1624 from Chuck Thompson

To understand American History, it helps to know the history behind American history and here it is.  The Virginia Company of London, 1606 to 1624.  American history is a melting pot of European history and these days a melting pot of world history.  The primary history of America is in it's original 13 colonies.  The Virginia company having started all of that on a grand scale.  Virginia was once from North Carolina to Maine on today's maps.   Florida on up was in the control of Spain at the time.  Spain was in America first, however, British history has taken the center stage throughout the years since it was the British that we fought and won our independence from.

  To read the above book online in full screen mode, left click the icon on the far bottom right side of the slideshare container.  To exit full screen mode, hit the escape key on your keyboard.  Free copies are available from our slideshare site.  You will need to sign in with a Facebook account or a LinkedIn account.  You can also create a free user account to get the download as well.  We may be porting this book into Scribd as well and will have free downloads from that site as well.

The seal of the Virginia Company of London
The seal of the Virginia Company of London (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Pink Panther and Mr Magoo Classic Cartoons for You.

Pink Panther and Mr Magoo classic cartoons.  Nearly two hours of classic cartoons all in one post.  Nothing like a good cartoon on a Saturday.  Enjoy.
The Pink Panther cartoon character
The Pink Panther cartoon character (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Mr. Magoo and McBarker from What's New Mr. Magoo?.
Mr. Magoo and McBarker from What's New Mr. Magoo?. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Nature Is the Source of Healing: Whole Plant Medicine

Animation of the structure of a section of DNA...
Animation of the structure of a section of DNA. The bases lie horizontally between the two spiraling strands. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
By Dr. Mercola
Numen is the animated force in all things living, and this is strongly demonstrated, although often taken for granted, in plants. Our relationship with plants dates back to the beginnings of humanity, and even before, as plants may have existed far longer than humans.
Even our DNA contains much of the same material found in the plant world, which gives new meaning to the idea of healing plants.
It’s a scientific fact that is explored, fascinatingly, in the documentary Numen: The Nature of Plants. As Bill Mitchell, ND, naturopath and co-founder of Bastyr University stated in the film:
“You’re as much carrot as you are a kangaroo, as you are a bird. A lot of that DNA, that memory comes from the very origins of life.”

Herbalism Is the Oldest System of Healing on the Planet

The use of plants as medicine is one of the only forms of healing that’s embraced by every culture and ethnicity, and that has endured since ancient times and is still in use today in most areas of the world.
What makes this all the more intriguing is that how and why plants work is still largely a mystery. Modern science can uncover cells, molecules and atoms, but science cannot fully explain the healing nature of plants, or the intricacy and complexity of life.
One only needs to view the amazing time-lapsed photos of sprouting seeds and flowers blooming in the video below to appreciate this

Herbs, Like Foods, Are Complementary to Human Health

In the past I have regarded herbs, in many cases, as an alternative to drugs, useful for treating various symptoms but not to treat the underlying cause. I have since revised my opinion on this quite significantly, and now realize that herbs can help support your health from a very basic level, just as foods do.
When I interviewed Donnie Yance, who is a clinical master herbalist, he explained that foods and herbs share quite a few similarities, including being pleiotropic -- which means they produce more than one effect.
This is expanded on in Numen, which explains that the complex mix of chemicals in plants work synergistically to address underlying imbalances in your body that may lead to disease.
As herbalist Matthew Wood said:
“It is very seldom that herbs are strong enough to kill germs. A few of them can, but then they become drugs. Killing germs isn't how traditional medicine works.
It works instead by changing the environment, working to address imbalances in organ systems and tissue states, not targeting a specific bacteria with a single chemical extracted from a plant or synthesized in a lab.”
In the late 1800s and early 1900s, you could walk into a drug store and find hundreds of herbal extracts for sale. Upwards of 90 percent of the population at that time knew how to use the medicinal plants growing in their backyards to treat common illnesses and injuries; they had too, as this was virtually the only ‘medicine’ available.
With the rise of what is now known as conventional allopathic medicine shortly before World War One, herbalism slowly fell out of favor and became to be thought of as folk medicine. Rather than viewing nature as the source of healing, as had been done for centuries, people began to view drugs and other ‘modern’ healing methods as superior.

We’re Now Separated from Our Natural Roots

When you shop for food in a grocery store, you’re completely removed from the natural process used to grow your food. And in many cases, that ‘natural process,’ too, has been transformed into an industrial process that is at the heart of mass food production.
This is but one example of our increased separation from nature, a state that often leads people to feel significantly unbalanced. Said Ken Ausubel, CEO and founder of Bioneers:
“If there’s been a single disconnect in Western civilization, it’s this idea that somehow we’re separate or distinct from nature, when in fact the opposite is true… we’re connected to the ecosystems around us and we can really only be healthy when the land and the air and the water around us are also healthy. And if they’re not, it’s going to show up in our physical well-being.”
Now, with the US spending more on health care than any other industrialized nation, while at the same time experiencing soaring rates of chronic disease, it has perhaps never been more evident that our disconnectedness from nature is backfiring.

Environmental Pollution Is Poisoning Humans, Too

Infertility, immune system disorders, obesity, and other chronic illness are on the rise, and it’s becoming very clear that environmental chemicals are at least partly to blame. Yet, there is still a reluctance to acknowledge that when you poison nature, it is akin to poisoning yourself. The average American has 148 chemicals in his or her body, and this chemical exposure begins in your mother’s womb.
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals, like phthalates and bisphenol-A, are interfering with hormones and linked to the rise in male birth defects and testicular cancer in young men. You’re exposed not only when you use products containing them, but plastics containing these chemicals are dumped into the environment, where the chemicals enter waterways, with unknown effects.
“At the molecular level we’re wreaking havoc, and then that cascades up to the cellular and organism and ecosystem level,” said Martha Herbert, MD, PhD, assistant professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School.

Healing Is About Wholeness, Not Parts

Modern medicine excels at treating emergencies and certain serious illnesses, like bacterial infections, yet often misses the mark when it comes to healing other more subtle, yet no less devastating, conditions.
Physicians often rely on lab tests and blood work over the patient’s own words, and may use this information as proof that nothing is wrong, when in fact the person still feels tired, foggy or depressed. Part of the problem is the breaking down of a whole person to a set of parts and evaluating each organ in isolation from the rest of the body. Another part is ignoring the bigger picture, which is that lab tests do not give the whole story of a patient. As Tieraona Low Dog, MD, said:
“I think the truth is many people have a kind of soul sickness, they have a soul pain, a spirit pain. And you can’t find it in laboratory values, you can’t find it in a scan, but in no way does that make it less real.”
Unfortunately, conventional medicine is not well equipped to deal with these types of emotional pain or other underlying conditions that modern medical tests miss. This is also evidenced by many physicians’ complete lack of attention to lifestyle factors that could be influencing their patients’ health, like sleep, stress, and diet… they don’t tell you that a trip to the farmer’s market for healthy food and perhaps some herbal preparations may hold the cures you’ve been searching for.

Nature Is the Source of Healing: Whole Plant Medicine

Most synthetic medications are based on compounds in plants. Scientists cannot create these substances but must, rather, try to make copies, But in their synthetic models they often end up with compounds that your body doesn’t recognize and doesn’t know how to handle. As Herbert explained:
“You target a particular chemical and you hit it really hard, and the system is expected to just have the response that you want it to have, but actually you have all these other effects… we call these side effects. They’re not side effects, they’re effects, they’re just not the ones you wanted.”
A plant, however, is a complex of thousands of biomolecules, many of which are countervailing, so if there’s one effective compound that may have a toxic effect, it usually contains a countervailing compound so that it doesn’t harm your liver, for example. It’s the interplay of chemicals that make the plant work, which is why you can’t study herbal medicine by isolating a certain element; you’ve got to study the whole plant. This is what conventional medicine is largely missing.
Of course, the ultimate ‘herbalism’ is the food that you eat on a daily basis. Dark green leafy vegetables, herbs and spices are excellent sources of antioxidants, anti-inflammatories and anti-cancer substances that can dramatically influence your health. Christopher Hobbs, clinical herbalist, put it well: “The real medicine is hiding in the produce department.”

You Can Feel the Power of Plants Every Time You Walk in the Garden

There’s a deep connection with plants that many people feel intrinsically when they walk into their garden. This connection continues when you use plants for healing, including when you prepare tinctures or teas from herbs, which you can do in your own kitchen. According to many herbal experts, this relationship with plants and nature is nearly as important as the herbal medicine itself.
As herbalist Rosemary Gladstar said:
I think one of the most unique places about herbalism and modern herbal healers is that we still maintain that deep connection with the plants. We're not looking at just single components as being the magic bullets in our bodies. There's still a deep prayerful relationship, whether you go to the plants and consciously pray or you have awareness with them, or just the way you are with them when you're harvesting them or making your medicine or even giving the medicine. There's a deep connection with the spirit of the plants. It's not just that there is a chemical constituent that will cure your condition; it is the relationship that the plant has to us and how those plants have served as our healers for literally thousands of years.
For anyone who works with the plants, whether you're gardening, or just being with them, backpacking with them a lot, that experience of having a plant communicate with you in some way happens. It takes you by surprise at first, but the plants want a talk to us, they want to help us.
They work on so many different levels in our bodies. Yes, they can work just as chemical constituents, but that's the least potency that they have… when you develop a relationship with plants, that kind of sacred plant medicine will happen. Just by working with them, they begin to speak to you and you begin to hear them. It happens when you garden. You know, when people go into the garden, they transform. That's why so many people garden. They go into that garden and they begin to feel things and be different, and in a way that's plant spirit medicine at its finest.”

10 Steps You Can Take to Harness the Healing Power of Plants

After watching Numen: The Nature of Plants, you may find yourself driven to deepen your relationship with the natural world. If so, here are 10 tips to do so:1
  1. Learn to identify three medicinal plants you don't already know that grow in your region and learn their uses.
  2. Add at least one of these herbs to your garden or to pots on your windowsill.
  3. Make a tincture, tea, syrup, or salve. Or make one of each!
  4. Harvest and dry mint, lemon balm, calendula, nettles, or any other plant growing in your region.
  5. Find a plant to sit with quietly each morning for a week; draw the plant.
  6. Identify one healing skill you would like to have but don't, and find a way to learn it—perhaps by taking an herb class, or re-certifying in basic first aid or CPR.
  7. Make an herbal first aid kit.
  8. Organize local healers for emergency response in your community.
  9. With medicinal plants grown in your region, learn how to treat one condition that you and/or someone in your family struggles with.
  10. Join United Plant Savers, which aims to protect native medicinal plants of the US and Canada.  Link back to where the article originated.
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