The First Fourth of July, episode 13 in the Liberty's kids video series. These are the events that led up to the Battle of the Hook that took place just before the siege of Yorktown, Virginia and was a part of that plan. We initially started running the Liberty's Kids series on the 4th of July of this year, 2013. We noticed a very serious lack of education many people in our own nation have about our history. Since then we have been on a mission to try and fill that gap missing in so many people today.
People outside our country had a better knowledge of our history than many of our own citizens.
The Pre Show. Coming in October is an event that should not be missed by anyone who can break away for a weekend and travel. The Battle of the Hook is an American Revolutionary war re enactment to be held here in Gloucester, Virginia. Details are below.
Paul Revere Press Battle of the Hook from Chuck Thompson
Make plans now to attend this event. It is free to the public.
Make plans now to attend this event. It is free to the public.
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