Monday, September 16, 2013

Anti Federalist Papers No. 14 Extent of Territory Under Consolidated Government Too Large to Preserve Liberty or Protect Property

. . . The recital, or premises on which the new form of government is erected, declares a consolidation or union of all the thirteen parts, or states, into one great whole, under the form of the United States, for all the various and important purposes therein set forth. But whoever seriously considers the immense extent of territory comprehended within the limits of the United States, together with the variety of its climates, productions, and commerce, the difference of extent, and number of inhabitants in all; the dissimilitude of interest, morals, and politics, in almost every one, will receive it as an intuitive truth, that a consolidated republican form of government therein, can never form a perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to you and your posterity, for to these objects it must be directed. This unkindred legislature therefore, composed of interests opposite and dissimilar in their nature, will in its exercise, emphatically be like a house divided against itself.

The governments of Europe have taken their limits and form from adventitious circumstances, and nothing can be argued on the motive of agreement from them; but these adventitious political principles have nevertheless produced effects that have attracted the attention of philosophy, which have established axioms in the science of politics therefrom, as irrefragable as any in Euclid. It is natural, says Montesquieu, to a republic to have only a small territory, otherwise it cannot long subsist: in a large one, there are men of large fortunes, and consequently of less moderation; there are too great deposits to trust in the hands of a single subject, an ambitious person soon becomes sensible that he may be happy, great, and glorious by oppressing his fellow citizens, and that he might raise himself to grandeur, on the ruins of his country.

 In large republics, the public good is sacrificed to a thousand views, in a small one, the interest of the public is easily perceived, better understood, and more within the reach of every citizen; abuses have a less extent, and of course are less protected. He also shows you, that the duration of the republic of Sparta was owing to its having continued with the same extent of territory after all its wars; and that the ambition of Athens and Lacedemon to command and direct the union, lost them their liberties, and gave them a monarchy.

Read the rest below.

Anti Federalist Papers No 14 Territory to Large to Preserve Liberty from Chuck Thompson

Visit our Podcast Old Time radio page above and you can listen to each of the Anti Federalist or Federalist Papers in audio format.  We have the entire series of both.  Liberty Education Series.

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Field Days From The Past - Press Update And Directions

English: "Residence, cabin, on James Rive...
English: "Residence, cabin, on James River, Tuckahoe Plantation, Goochland County, Virginia," black and white photograph, by the American photographer Frances Benjamin Johnston.  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If you have picked up one of the free papers distributed throughout Gloucester, VA and are interested in attending the Field Days From The Past, you are asking yourself, where the heck is it?  The only thing the paper, in it's 44 pages ever manages to tell you is that it is 14 miles west of Richmond, VA

 That is a huge territory.  An oversight of the people putting together all the information, it was easy to look over when you look at the tremendous scope of the event.

  Not to fret, we looked up all the information and have it here for you.

The following is directly off of their site.

 DIRECTIONS:  The Field Day of the Past show grounds are located at the intersection of Rt. 623 (Ashland Rd.) and Rt. 622 in Goochland County, off I-64, Exit #173 (Rockville-Manakin) south. Grounds are located 1/8 mile from the interstate. Follow the signs. From the south take I-95 N to I-64 west and take Exit #173. From the north take I-95 S to I-295. Merge onto I-64W to Exit #173. From the west, take I-81 to I-64 E and take Exit #173. From those south of the James River, take Rt. 288 N to Broad Street Road West exit (Rt. 250) and go approximately one mile to stoplight at Rt. 623 (Ashland Rd.). Turn right and follow signs.

ADMISSION $10 per person/per day for adults on Friday; $15 on Saturday and $10 on Sunday. Children under the age of 13 are admitted free of charge. The admission charge does not include carnival rides, pony rides or anything you wish to purchase at the show. This year Senior Citizen passes are available all three days. All those 62 years or older will be admitted for $8.Two-Day passes are available at the gates for $20. Three-Day passes are available at the gates for $23. Block tickets can be obtained prior to the event for $75 for ten tickets. Call 804-741-8468 for details. Tickets can be purchased in advance by following the link on this site.

PARKING: Parking is available in the lot located on Rt. 622 across from the main Pedestrian Gate. Additional parking will be available on SATURDAY ONLY on Rt. 250 (Broad Street). Message boards will direct traffic to the parking lots. Parking is free.

FOOD:  Food is available on the grounds from more than a dozen food vendors.

NOTE FOR VISITORS: Pets are allowed on the grounds ONLY ON LEASES. Pets must have all current shots and owners must clean up after them. If these rules are not adhered to, we must ask you to leave your pet at home. Be aware that there are large crowds on the showgrounds during show days. If you pet does not like to be in crowds, please leave them at home.  (We believe they meant to say leashes)

map.jpg  Link to the site for more information on the event itself.

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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Jack and the Beanstalk, Abbott and Costello Classic Movie

A very rare color film featuring Abbott and Costello.  Jack and the Beanstalk.  Now the movie does begin in sepia mode.  So you need to bear that in mind.  Only two movies were ever made in color originally featuring this comedy duo.  The color versions were finished in the studios owned by either Abbott or Costello.  They each had their own studio and each finished one of the two movies in color through those studios.

As we understand it, this movie is in the Public Domain.  That is the reason we are hosting it on one of our many YouTube channels.  A great movie for a lazy Sunday afternoon or evening.  Enjoy.
The World of Abbott and Costello
The World of Abbott and Costello (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Betty - Sunday Comic Strip Vintage 1919

Betty - Sunday Funny Papers 1919 No 1 from Chuck Thompson

Our Sunday comic strip for the week is this vintage piece from 1919.  Betty was a short run strip that lasted about 3 months long and that was it.  It was over.  There are about 11 known strips.  We will try and get to more in the future with this one.  It's always interesting to look at what was considered funny back in earlier times and what was the sentiment of the day.  This gives you part of that picture. Enjoy. 
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Abbott and Costello Comics No 21 Sunday Feature

Abbott and Costello Comics No. 21 from Chuck Thompson

You can access this comic of Abbott and Costello into full screen mode by left clicking the icon at the far bottom right hand side of the Slideshare container.  To exit full screen mode, hit the escape key on your keyboard.  This comic is from 1953, the era of the silver age of comics.  Free downloads are available on this issue from our slideshare site.  You will have to log into Slideshare with either a Facebook account, LinkedIn account or set up a free account to access the free downloads.

  Enjoy.  Sunday Comics here on Gloucester, Virginia Links and News website.
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Pink Floyd, Live In Concert, The Classics

Live in Concert for this Sunday is Pink Floyd.  Playing their classics.  Video remastered to HD.  Not many people in the US have ever had the opportunity to see Pink Floyd perform live.  So here is the next best thing.  Sunday concert of the week here on Gloucester, Virginia Links and News website.  Enjoy.
English: Pink Floyd performing at Live 8 in London
English: Pink Floyd performing at Live 8 in London (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Liberty's Kids 13, The First Fourth of July, Battle of the Hook Pre Show

The First Fourth of July, episode 13 in the Liberty's kids video series.  These are the events that led up to the Battle of the Hook that took place just before the siege of Yorktown, Virginia and was a part of that plan.  We initially started running the Liberty's Kids series on the 4th of July of this year, 2013.  We noticed a very serious lack of education many people in our own nation have about our history.  Since then we have been on a mission to try and fill that gap missing in so many people today.

  People outside our country had a better knowledge of our history than many of our own citizens.

The Pre Show.  Coming in October is an event that should not be missed by anyone who can break away for a weekend and travel.  The Battle of the Hook is an American Revolutionary war re enactment to be held here in Gloucester, Virginia.  Details are below.

Paul Revere Press Battle of the Hook from Chuck Thompson

Make plans now to attend this event.  It is free to the public.  
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