Friday, October 24, 2014

Climate change PROVED to be 'nothing but a lie', claims top meteorologist

DAVOS/SWITZERLAND, 23JAN08 - Rajendra K. Pacha...
DAVOS/SWITZERLAND, 23JAN08 - Rajendra K. Pachauri, Chairman, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Geneva, captured during the 'Opening Remarks' at the Annual Meeting 2008 of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, January 23, 2008. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

THE debate about climate change is finished - because it has been categorically proved NOT to exist, one of the world's leading meteorologists has claimed.

John Coleman, who co-founded the Weather Channel, shocked academics by insisting the theory of man-made climate change was no longer scientifically credible. Instead, what 'little evidence' there is for rising global temperatures points to a 'natural phenomenon' within a developing eco-system.

In an open letter attacking the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, he wrote: "The ocean is not rising significantly.  "The polar ice is increasing, not melting away. Polar Bears are increasing in number.  "Heat waves have actually diminished, not increased. There is not an uptick in the number or strength of storms (in fact storms are diminishing).  "I have studied this topic seriously for years. It has become a political and environment agenda item, but the science is not valid."

(What will continue to amaze are the number of people who will still argue that it's all real.)

Gloucester, Virginia Links and News, GVLN
Gloucester, Virginia's Best News Source

Governor McAuliffe Announces First Meeting of Commission to Ensure Integrity and Public Confidence in State Government

Terry McAuliffe by David Shankbone, New York City
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

All From The Person Who Took An Oath Of Office To Uphold The State Constitution And Then Throws It Under The Bus The First Chance He Got.

Governor Terry McAuliffe’s Commission to Ensure Integrity and Public Confidence in State Government will convene its first meeting at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, October 27 in House Room 3 of the state Capitol.

Former U.S. Representative Rick Boucher and former Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling, co-chairmen of the commission, also announced that the panel will host a forum to receive public comments next month. The event will be held from 6 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. November 6 at the University of Virginia School of Law in Charlottesville. The forum will take place in Caplin Auditorium, located in Withers-Brown Hall. The event is cosponsored by the University of Virginia Law School and the Center for Politics.

The commission was established on September 25 by Executive Order 28, which asked the 10 members to provide interim recommendations to the Governor by December 1, 2014, with the goal of pursuing legislation during the 2015 Virginia General Assembly session.

The commission is tasked with recommending good government reforms, including meaningful rules for the ethical conduct of state officials, procedures for ensuring accountability to the electorate, and policies guiding the selection and service of high quality public servants.

“I look forward to the commission’s recommendations, and I am confident that the efforts of these 10 men and women will help to generate bipartisan support for broad-based reforms to Virginia’s ethics laws and other policies promoting high-quality governance in the commonwealth,” said Governor McAuliffe.

“This commission has much work to do, and it is essential that we establish a solid foundation for our recommendations during our first meeting,” Boucher said. “I look forward to the valuable insights of my co-chairman, Governor Bolling, and other esteemed members as we begin this important endeavor.”

“Congressman Boucher and I are committed to providing a comprehensive set of recommendations designed to restore Virginians’ trust in their state government and their leaders,” said Bolling. “Those recommendations will serve as the seeds for a culture of integrity in the commonwealth.”

The other members of the commission are former Delegate Viola Baskerville, Chairman of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Sharon Bulova, former President of the University of Virginia John T. Casteen III, President of Hampden-Sydney College Christopher Howard, Vice President for Advancement at George Washington’s Mount Vernon Susan A. Magill, attorney and former Assistant Attorney General Courtney M. Malveaux, former Delegate Joe T. May and former President and CEO of BB&T Scott & Stringfellow, Inc. John Sherman, Jr.

In their first meeting, commission members will review current ethics laws and policies and discuss recommendations for strengthening those rules.

The commission also will discuss Virginia’s redistricting procedures at its October meeting. The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia earlier this month declared Virginia’s congressional districts unconstitutional. That ruling has given fresh immediacy to the issue, and commission members will respond by discussing the benefits of nonpartisan redistricting at their first meeting.

Members of the public also are invited to provide comments and read more about the commission’s work on its website,

(Sorry, we have no confidence in state government when the Governor and the state attorney general both refuse to uphold the state constitution in an effort to trample all over it.  The governor and the state attorney general both need to be impeached).

Gloucester, Virginia Links and News, GVLN
Gloucester, Virginia's Best News Source

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Ex CIA Agent Explains How To Delete The Elite

Seal of the C.I.A. - Central Intelligence Agen...
Seal of the C.I.A. - Central Intelligence Agency of the United States Government (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This is a stunning video that needs a lot more views than it has.  This video came out in 2010.  It has under one million views.  It should have over one billion views.  This guy tells it like it is and everyone needs to hear it and as many people as possible need to get involved.  Get your lazy butt off of Facebook and start looking into ways to fix the system before there is nothing left.

  If you are 100% happy with the way life is now, then do not do anything.  If you are not happy about it, then it's time to step up.

Though we are NOT normally fans of Alex Jones, here is one video he got right back in the day when he was actually speaking out against the corruption.  These days it's more like he has sold out to it and become a part of it.  Bet he didn't have much of a choice.  Once in awhile he gets some stories straight, but for the most part, he is now just a propagandist spreading more fear.  That makes it difficult to tell when he is right on the money.  Tell a bunch of lies and every now and then some truth and most people will not buy the real stories.

But the guy in the top video is right.  Most people will not budge to make a difference and just go along to get along.  Don't bother me, it's football season.  Football and other sports are designed to make you complacent.  It does a great job of that too.

Gloucester, Virginia Links and News, GVLN
Gloucester, Virginia's Best News Source

Homeless Or Emergency Shelter, Possible Solutions

When it comes to the homeless, there are no easy solutions.  Various local entities to include non profit foundations and churches have already started working together this year to create homeless shelters for those whom are homeless for this winter.  Though it is a step in the right direction, it still falls way short of creating solutions to fix the problems.  Not all homeless people are drug addicts or have mental problems.  In this economy, many people have found themselves homeless due to economic conditions beyond their control.

Entire families who have lost their jobs and then their homes with no place to turn, are in very serious trouble.  Now you can say what these folks need to do is go out and get jobs.  Let's look at that shall we?  When you are homeless, you do not have access to running water, bathrooms other than public restrooms, which are not all that accessible are taken for granted by everyone except the homeless.  So bathing becomes a major issue.  Washing cloths becomes a major issue.

  Basic everyday functions that most people take for granted are major issues for the homeless.  You assume they have access to travel.  Most travel by foot, even if they have a vehicle, you assume they have money for gas.  Electricity does not exist for most homeless people.  So heating or air conditioning only comes with the weather changes that are usually not welcomed.

  So after only about a week of having no where to go and or no where to turn, homeless people start to get very ripe in their body odor.  Going to a job interview in this condition pretty much insures you have no chance of getting the offer.  Where to keep and or store what possessions you have left is also a major challenge.  You risk having someone else finding your stash and stealing it or throwing it out on you.  Cooking, safe places to sleep, trying to keep warm or cool are issues that most people never realize and take for granted.

  Once you have gone down this low, it's nearly impossible to get your life back.  Most never do.  What do you do each and every day?  Where do you go?  I know, I have lived it first hand along with my family.  We have managed to recover most of our life back with the help of some very dear friends who did not judge us.  We were lucky however, I managed to work the entire time and managed to create a fairly decent shelter with electricity, heat and air.  We had some other dear friends help us with places to shower and wash cloths.  We were able to stay under most of the radar.  We had a vehicle that allowed us to go places and never remain in one place and look suspicious.

  We still have not fully recovered and with this economy, do not know if we ever will.  Hope is what keeps us going.  We know what it feels like to have nowhere to go and nothing to do as I did not work everyday and the company I worked for kept cutting our hours and pay.  So I get outraged with the politicians who have no clue and continue to ravage this country for personal gain selling out to the monopolistic corporations and calling it capitalism, something it isn't.

  I get outraged with entities like the Salvation Army who do the most harm and kick people out of their offices who actually need and are seeking help.  My heart goes out to those who are needlessly suffering due to unfair conditions of this economy.  Entire families with no place to stay or that have to keep moving from one location to another trying to survive any way they can.  I have seen a number of people who lost their homes becoming homeless themselves.  I was in a small community of homeless where we all kept to ourselves and kept each others secrets as we were legally trespassing.

  There is a large number of homeless people in Gloucester who remain hidden for many reasons.  No one really trust the police when you are homeless.  You may become a very fast target.  Families have no desire to be broken up for any reason.  It's hard to live under such conditions with children as you only want what is best for them.  Giving them up to the state is not what is best for them even in those conditions.  It breaks your heart from both sides.

  I have been working with a non profit foundation for about 7 months now out of Philadelphia trying to come up with ways to help the homeless.  We have not gotten very far.  Day shelters has been one of my own goals for the past 9 months.  Some place where homeless people can go at least several times a week and wash cloths as well as get showers and other personal care needs is one of the main areas of what I know has to be addressed.  Also, some place where the homeless can safely store some of their personal belongings.  Lockers.  They must be accessible 24 hours a day 7 days a week.


I have no idea how much one of these would cost.  It's just something to consider.  The other question becomes, where do you put people with these?  What location?  What do you provide them with if you do?  Do you give them access to some form of public restrooms?  Some form of electricity?  Water supplies?  Do you allow outdoor cooking?   What about food storage?  Mailing  Addresses?

Now let's look at this potential option.  The Yurt.

A lot of the video does not apply to the topic.  But the concept of yurts does have some degree of appeal as a potential low cost housing option.  I would not recommend going as elaborate as the one in this video, but something fairly close can be achieved.

  How we got out of our situation?  I tested the words of the Bible and did NOT find them empty by any stretch of the imagination and still do not find those words and promises empty.  Instead I have found them to be very real.  That's right.  I tested the words of the Bible and found them to be TRUE!  The experience changed our family forever.  It's the reason why I fight for freedom and liberty.  I have lived first hand the results of socialism and monopolistic corporatism.  Individualism and true capitalism are the only ways that work.  We do NOT live in a capitalist society as the politicians and main stream media proclaim.  We do not have freedoms as the pundits claim.  These are what we need restored.

  I can write a book about our experiences, but who would buy it?  Who cares?  So yes, I and my family were homeless for nearly 2 years and it was humiliating, degrading and fraught with dangers most would never understand.  The system is broken and unless we do something about it, there will be a great number of stories all with bad endings.

Gloucester, Virginia Links and News, GVLN
Not Your Main Stream Media

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Steve Baranek, Gloucester, VA Animal Control Admits To Illegal County Ordinance

You have to watch this video.  In here above, Steve Baranek, chief Animal Control officer for Gloucester County, admits to local ordinance, 3-16, is not mirrored from state code.  According to the Dillon Rule, that is illegal.  Here you see county officials blatantly violating the laws of the state.

  The above video is downright idiotic.  Feral cats are feral and have no owners unless someone is taking care of them, then whomever is taking care of them is the owner, like it or not.  Cats defecating is no different than birds defecating.  Sue the Governor.  It's his property.  There is no violation due to defecation.  3-16 is an illegal ordinance.

Again you have to watch this video.  It is beyond idiotic.  Ashley Chriscoe argues for more illegal laws continuing his march towards an extreme socialist  fascist ideology government concepts  that may be due to his association with the Gloucester Main Street Preservation Trust.

  There are arguments to put cats on leashes.  How hysterical.

Let's look at some facts.  At certain times of the year, birds migrate to certain types of trees that produce a certain type of berry that the birds love.  Very large flocks of birds circle these trees for hours once these berries are ripe and they eat them.  The birds then circle for hours defecating all over everything within a short radius of where these trees are located.  The mess is unreal.  Can we get animal control to come and trap all of these birds for being a nuisance?  Charge the Governor because they are essentially his birds?

  Mr Bazanni, you can not create local ordinances where there are no state codes to support them.  If you could, then government would run rampant all over the place, which it already does and which "WE THE PEOPLE", have been fighting against for some time and will continue to fight.  WE DO NOT WANT MORE GOVERNMENT INTRUSIONS IN OUR LIVES!

     We will not tolerate a totalitarian government which is what you all seem to be leaning towards.

Gloucester, Virginia Links and News, GVLN
Gloucester, Virginia's Best News Source

Gloucester, VA Delinquent Tax Property Auction Sale List

Gloucester, VA Tax Auction, Nov 2014 from Chuck Thompson

Above is a list of properties going up for public auction for delinquent tax payments.  This only goes to show that no matter what you think, you do not own the land you think you own.  It can very quickly be taken from you for many reasons.  If any of these properties are occupied by someone who simply can not afford to pay the taxes, then it is a crime against God to take their home.  Read the bible here.  If you want to get a deal on real estate at the expense of someone else's hardship?  By participating in buying any of these properties, you are saying that you do not believe in ownership of land to yourself and everyone else as well.  You just gain control over it for a cost.

  If anyone out there has fairly deep pockets and can afford to help out a family that may need it then we recommend researching these properties and seeing if you can't pay those back taxes for a family or person in desperate need.  Where are the non profit foundations now?  Temporarily house the homeless during the winter but let's create homeless folks instead of helping prevent the crisis to begin with?  Put together a group of private individuals who can pool money to help out anyone of the people in the above list.  It may make you eligible for extra tax deductions.  You would have to check with a good accountant or lawyer who specializes in this area.

The US Constitution as well as the original state Constitution does not allow for personal property taxes.  No one can show where they are.  The 16th Amendment is not legal as it is written as a right of the Government against the people which is not what the Bill of Rights were designed for.  The Bill of Rights is the rights of the PEOPLE.  It's clear we have a criminal government even at the local level.

Gloucester Virginia Links and News, GVLN
Gloucester, Virginia's Best News Source

2014 Anonymous "Important Message To The WORLD, Solution Found

We Can Do It poster for Westinghouse, closely ...
. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Interesting video that is worth the time to watch.  Anonymous is an interesting group and one has to wonder if it's part of the propaganda machine or if they are truly fighting the propaganda machine.  We present this video for your consideration.  We do see value in the information in it but question some areas of it as well.  But again, what is perfect?

Gloucester, Virginia Links and News, GVLN
Gloucester, Virginia's Best News Source