Sunday, August 11, 2013

Superman - Old Time Radio Shows Galore

Superman in, "The Super Sleuth."   Old time radio show.  How entertainment used to sound.  Sitting around the living room waiting for the newest radio show to begin and then listening to the show.  No pictures in a box to go along with the story.  Just sound.  This was the golden age of radio.  Today we are bringing you multiple episodes so that you are not left hanging with just one part of an entire story.  We thought about doing that and making you come back each week for the rest, but decided that there is still way to much content out there to share.

  Sunday's are always special here on GVLN.  Ah, what the heck, let's have a full blown Superman Party here and go for broke on a bunch of full episodes that complete the stories.  Enjoy.  Bookmark this page so you can keep coming back for more.

old time radio
old time radio (Photo credit: Lynn Kelley Author)
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