Friday, September 20, 2013

Ken Cuccinelli New TV Ad Tamed Down

Ken at Shad Planking
Ken at Shad Planking (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If there is one thing that Ken Cuccinelli is not good at, it's being in front of the cameras.  He's not at all natural and spends too much time worrying about what everyone is going to think.  This new ad at least hides that fact.  You also have to love seeing Terry McAuliffe drinking the cool aid over and over again.  Terry is one for tripping the light fantastic from what is seen of him.

At least this was not a really nasty smear ad like some of the others have been.  Mr Cuccinelli seems to be listening to people who are tired of the nasty ads.  This is about as bad as Virginian's will tolerate and still call it fair game.  Best advice for Mr Cuccinelli is to get very comfortable in front of the cameras very fast.  You have almost no time left and this is a game breaker.

It's interesting to note, Ken put this up yesterday.  Terry put up 2 yesterday.  Ken has over 4,000 hits on his new ad on YouTube.  Terry has less than 300 hits combined total on his 2 videos.  What does that say?

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